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Una empresa japonesa ha llançat un nou tipus de nina sexual

The reason why it is called a new type of doll is because although the new sexy doll is also a plastic inflatable sex doll understood by ordinary people, the current doll feels the same as real skin, and the eyes are very realistic. It feels like holding a real person. The new doll is made of high quality silicone and can be faked. It seems that Japanese men are still very lucky. Without going abroad, you can "marry" a "Dutch wife" and go home for a pretty amount of money.

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Una resposta:

Did you also know that you can use them for therapeutic reasons? Could it also be a companion? You might not believe it, but these dolls are often not just dolls for sex, but many consider them companions. Nina sexual japonesa can help you even if you fear past trauma and pain that keeps you from building relationships with others. People generally want people close to them. In many of these situations, this definitely helps.You're great for sex, but sometimes you want to tell someone about your day. You won't trust these to help when you forget your partner or someone and get stuck. It gets you someone to discuss the issue. Sure, you can even have sex with it, but that's another reason to buy a sex doll.

2022-02-17 07:13:35

Japanese men are probably one of the most erotic men in the world, Japanese men have weird sex habits. In order to meet the unique sexual needs of Japanese men, Japanese companies continue to innovate and develop the lustful talents of Japanese men. Recently, a Japanese company has launched a new type of Nina sexual TPE, allowing Japanese men to appreciate the charm of the world's beauties without leaving home.


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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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