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les nines sexuals mai augmentaran l’estrès

Have you been thinking about whether you have to find an old partner who will accompany you throughout your life? When you get home from get off work, she will wait patiently at home and never complain. When you want to get close to you, you choose to use her as a rehearsal, and she will not blame you. If you need to travel on business and do not go home for a few days, she will not be angry with you. If you want to relax and be with other women, she will not mind or be jealous. She will never increase your stress or burden you.

Freqüència d'ús de nines sexuals

The way and frequency of sex with ninot de sexe de silicona for sex offenders will definitely reduce the lifespan of sex dolls. If you accidentally use a doll, or if you use it for sex every night, the doll will definitely suffer wear and tear. In particular, if the doll's craftsmanship is not good, the vaginal area may wear and some parts may even fall off. This is why the vagina or penis of many sex dolls is movable, so they can be easily cleaned and replaced when the part is damaged.

Composició de material de nines sexuals

Materials are also very important; TPE (Thermoplastic Elastomer) and silicone are the most expensive materials used to make love dolls. The service life of TPE Dolls is not something you have to worry about. Thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) is a very strong and durable polymer blend with amazing properties.
You will not only fall in love with the doll, but also with the material of the doll!

Neteja de les nines sexuals

You may not have the habit of washing clothes frequently. However, if you plan to buy a bonica nina sexual, please take responsibility for thoroughly cleaning the doll. Failure to clean the doll can cause bacteria to accumulate, which can make the doll unsafe to use.

Emmagatzematge de nines sexuals

The way the doll is stored also has a great impact on the health and lifespan of the doll. Indentations may appear on the doll body, causing rupture and tearing. Arms, knees and elbows are more sensitive to dents. Therefore, please pay attention to the storage conditions of the doll.
This clearly shows that if you take good care of a sex doll and pay attention to the above points, its lifespan may be longer (at least 2 to 10 years). On the other hand, if it is not handled properly, it may not even be used for more than a year.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


Venda de marca de nines sexuals de Black Friday Col·lecció de compres en línia


2022-11-20 22:30:29

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2021-05-25 22:47:14

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