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Com netejar la perruca d’una nina sexual?

Sex dolls will be part of our lives. Are you already thinking about buying a doll for a long time, or have you just learned about a great sex doll? Exciting sex can be done without a wife.

Do you know how to clean the wig of Nina sexual TPE? This article explains in detail the techniques of cleaning doll wigs. Once your doll's wig has been thoroughly brushed and knotted, it should be washed. Synthetic wigs do not need to be washed as often as real wigs because they do not collect oil.

The frequency of washing depends on the material of the wig (synthetic or real hair). Although synthetic wigs don't collect too much oil like real hair, they still get some dust, so washing them is also good. Be sure to clean them after a while to remove accumulated dust.

Cleaning the wig is very simple. You will need the following: a mild shampoo, a gentle conditioner, a comb. First you need to remove the doll's wig and wash it thoroughly with shampoo and conditioner. After the wig has been thoroughly cleaned, let it dry naturally. You may wish to purchase a wig stand to simplify the operation and speed up the process.

After the wig is dry, gently comb the hair with a comb and slowly comb the hair from the bottom to the top. This will prevent you from pulling the comb out of any knot and removing the hair from your hair.

Once the wig that really likes the sex doll is completely brushed, you can continue to wash. Synthetic wigs don't collect as much oil as possible, but still trap some dust, so it's good to wash and clean them often. Place the wig in the water for a while, then remove it from the soapy water and rinse with fresh water, then wig the wig to remove excess water and let it dry naturally.

To clean your doll's wig, fill the sink or wash basin with warm water, remove the wig from your doll, and wash thoroughly with a mild shampoo and a gentle conditioner. The water should be deep enough to completely immerse the wig. Just add a pretty amount of shampoo to the water and don't overuse it. Slightly swirl the water to make it soapy, then slowly submerge the wig. Don't mess around too much around the wig, or you will end up leaving more knots on the hair of your little sex doll.

You may need to leave the fake on the wig stand to make your process easier and faster. Once dry, gently comb the hair from the bottom and slowly up to the top. This will prevent you from removing the hair from the wig or pulling the comb through any knot. Finally, quickly brush it, then hang it in a cool, dry place to make it completely dry.

Or you can refer to the detailed steps below: Fill the sink or wash basin with warm water - the water should be deep enough to completely immerse the wig. Avoid burning hot water! Add shampoo - Drip a pretty amount of shampoo in water. You don't need to overdo it in the shampoo, just a pretty amount. Slightly rotate the water to make it beautiful soap. Put the wig into the water - Gently immerse the wig into the soapy water. Be careful not to move or smash too many wigs as you will eventually create more knots. Wait - Dip the wig into the water for a few minutes. Remove the wig - Remove the wig from the soapy water. Rinse - Rinse the wig with fresh water, taking care not to tangles. Squeeze - Mild again, remove the wig to remove excess water. Dry - wrap the wig in a towel and pat dry. Last brush - Quickly brush the wig again. Hang the wig in a cool, dry place and let it dry completely.

In general, these wigs and dolls are easy to take care of even using the same dolls in sex doll brothels to help people with loneliness, anxiety, and even depression and release stress. These are professional quality TPE dolls and are used for hard work. After doing this work. You have a clean, knotless sex doll wig, just like the new one!

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