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No sé com es dobla repetidament la nina sexual japonesa?

Pestanya Conan
Nov 22, 2019 10: 39

I thought I just wanted to mention that copper will harden and become brittle. Therefore, if copper is used for fingers and often bent to fix things, they will harden and become more difficult to bend, eventually breaking, and copper can be softened again by annealing. However, this involves heating to about 400 ° C and quenching in water is obviously unrealistic. Yes, I am thinking about going back to some of the thicker wires I have used before. I will try to seal the end of the Nina sexual japonesa with something to avoid puncture. The original copper wire without threads is very sharp. Just find a decent wire gauge. The binding line of the garden is too flexible, but the line of the fence is too hard. Just think about it, the electrode may be a viable option. A gauge of 1 mm to 3.2 mm made of ordinary steel or stainless steel can be used. I don't know how the Japanese sex doll will withstand repeated bending. I will avoid aluminum. It is very brittle and not well bent. I mentioned it in this thread before, I replaced all the finger lines in Gingers with a 2.5mm copper wire, and it works fine, except for the thumb I am replacing now. It's best to wait until they are all broken down or ready to do all the work in one go.

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