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Les nines sexuals es poden basar completament en les necessitats dels usuaris

L'amic de Senji Nakajima també té un WM Dolls in his apartment in the suburbs of Tokyo. 66-year-old Senji Nakajima is on the phone while his "wife" Saori is sleeping in bed. Masaki Ozaki straightened his hair while walking in Tokyo Bay, holding his sex doll, Muyun. Doll manufacturer VS doll retailer. If you see a specific retail store selling sex dolls from a specific manufacturer.

Just contact the manufacturer and ask if they have a retail store as their representative. After all, you have to spend a lot of money to buy your love doll, and you have to collect the necessary information. But one question that remains in everyone's mind is what the life of a sex doll is like. In today's article, we will try to explain this to you. Gone are the days when sex dolls used pre-programmed styles and designs.

Sex dolls can be customized completely according to the needs, wishes and wishes of users. According to the "Daily Star" report, Hugh Hefner, the founder of the American adult magazine "Playboy", claims to have thousands of girlfriends, and this male YouTuber who refuses to reveal his age dreams of becoming the Hefner of sex dolls. , And changed his surname to Hefner.

Since Christmas Eve last year, he has purchased 4 character dolls. He often uploads videos on YouTube about going out with dolls or spending sweet time at home. How to remove makeup? It is very easy to remove makeup. Just pour a little makeup remover on the cleansing cotton and wipe gently, and the doll will return to its original appearance. In addition to facial makeup, decorations and tattoos are another way to beautify your life doll. Imagine the silicone sex doll you bought at urdolls, wearing a fluffy doll dress, holding a cute messenger bag, a wing tattoo on the arm, black shoes, and pretty earrings on the ears. Does it look pretty? Obviously, yes.

Mètode 3: semblant al segon mètode, però millor i més fort. No utilitzeu pinces per als cabells, utilitzeu velcro per fixar la perruca i la tapa de la perruca junts, que és fàcil de portar i fàcil de treure! Consell: eviteu utilitzar perruques fosques nina sexual japonesa to avoid staining the skin. In addition, adhesives and wig glue may cause damage to the skin of the sex doll, thereby greatly shortening its service life. The companion sex robot Samantha saved his marriage.

Serge's career is an electrical engineer. He said that his wife gave him the idea of implanting artificial intelligence networks into sex dolls. The dolls they produce sell for about US$3,000, and the highest-end artificial intelligence dolls sell for about US$20,000. They look cute, they feel real to the touch, and they are beautifully dressed. I like them to stay at home, because it makes me look forward to coming home from get off work, and the family is more "popular".

Molts Nina sexual de 100cm manufacturers provide male sex dolls, but these products only account for about 10% of total sales on average. Men have far fewer choices of sex dolls than women, and they have much less customization than female sex dolls, which may not help. Based on the loyalty to the doll industry and culture, I like to call myself a "baby friend".



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