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Com cuidar la teva parella realista

As a newbie, having a silicone doll as a companion might feel strange to you. However, by following a few simple guidelines, you can easily take care of her and make sure she remains lifelike at all times.

It is very important to keep clean

First of all, keeping it clean is very important. After use, it is essential to clean the WM Dolls body and private parts in time. Using warm water and an appropriate cleanser, gently scrub her skin, making sure to dry her completely after washing. This will keep bacteria from growing while extending her lifespan.

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Secondly, the posture of the Funwest Dolls also needs attention. When handling her, avoid excessive twisting or applying too much force, which can damage her joints or appearance. Some special supports or cushions can be used to help maintain her position. Of course, avoid keeping her in the same position for a long time, so as not to cause the silicone to deform.

storage of dolls

Also, it is very important to pay attention to how the Nines Zelex is stored. Place her in a dry, clean place out of direct sunlight or high temperatures. At the same time, try to avoid contact with other sharp objects, so as not to scratch her skin.

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Finally, regular inspection and maintenance are necessary. Check her joints, eyes, and other parts for signs of damage or looseness. If you find any problems, you can consult a professional or contact the manufacturer for repair suggestions.

By following these tips, you can effectively take care of your silicone doll and keep her looking lifelike.

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