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Converteix aquestes autèntiques nines sexuals en una inversió real

There is clearly a huge price difference between these dolls and realistic inflatable dolls. The extra cost improves realism, but this makes these dolls a real investment. Of course, these nina del sexe have their disadvantages. Real sex dolls are very bulky and difficult to move and store, which can be a problem for those who are worried that others will find their dolls or in situations where there is insufficient space.

These materials are also more prone to deterioration, require careful care, and must be sprayed with maintenance powder to maintain good condition. For responsible buyers, these disadvantages have been replaced by the extremely realistic sexual stimulation provided by these quality dolls. Solid dolls with circuit parts must not come into contact with water during the cleaning process to avoid any malfunction of the circuit. The physical doll with a battery setting must be removed and stored after use to prevent the next use.

Physical dolls can reduce the spread of sexual diseases to some extent, but if many people use the same infectious real sex dolls, then Chinese dolls can only be used by themselves and must be washed soon. Pay attention to hygiene. For the California Institute of Technology's professor of robotics philosophy and ethics in the telegram: Treating pedophilia with a sex robot configured like a pretty is a dubious plan and a sickening idea. Imagine treating the racist for a moment, suggesting that he abused a brown robot.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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