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El problema de l'addicció al sexe no només depèn del nombre d'actes sexuals i del nombre de parelles sexuals

Therefore, the problem of "nines sexuals barates" depends not only on the number of sexual acts and the number of sexual partners, but also on whether it is a compulsive behavior towards oneself. In modern society, whether it is at home or abroad, whether it is China or the West, even in relatively open countries, it is always easy to talk about "sex" due to reasons such as tradition and religion.

De fet, el "sexe" és com menjar i beure aigua. Un addicte al sexe és com una persona que menja molts aliments. Sempre pot menjar només arròs blanc, o pot menjar diferents aliments. Tanmateix, poques vegades tornem a menjar després d'estar plens, i els addictes al sexe no poden evitar omplir-se la boca. Els addictes al sexe poden tenir tot tipus de pensaments "de sexe" parpellejant a la seva ment de tant en tant, ja sigui en reunions de treball, a l'autobús o en festes amb amics. Potser no puc esperar per començar. Masturbar-se al bany o a un lloc públic quan no hi hagi cap altra persona amb qui tenir relacions sexuals.

Surprisingly, although some women may oppose Nina sexual masculina, some women have begun to value their existence. The most painful thing for a woman is to see her husband lose attention to her for another woman. If they were the real women he was focused on, the pain would even be excessive. This is pure jealousy. On the other hand, those who make sex dolls work often have better reasons. A typical example is if they travel long distances for a long time and leave their husbands. Or, if they feel unsuitable for more sex due to chronic illness or age, their partner still wants to play sex. At least in many things, they can trust sex dolls more than real women.

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They are irreplaceable. Yes, this is true. You won't expect sex dolls to become pregnant and give birth. They lack everything needed for the entire pregnancy and prettybirth procedure. Remember that they are artificial, nothing more. Sex dolls are sex toys; they have no emotional hormones that control human emotions. There is no Nina sexual japonesa in it. Therefore, in any case, they will always maintain a normal mood. On the other hand, human beings must experience mood swings every time in daily life. If you have a realistic doll who always smiles, she will do it for the rest of her life.

Sex dolls provide you with a partner to share the lowest moments in your life when no one seems to notice. Usually, loneliness will keep you away from the crowd, and having a life-size sex doll around you can make you feel loved and tolerated. Unlike your friends, a sex doll will listen, never judge you, and most importantly, it will always provide you with a safe space to confide in.

Els propietaris de Nina sexual TPE admit that they find their dolls easily restricted because most of them helped their owners overcome the worst moments in their lives. So don't alienate yourself anymore-when you adapt and fight depression, give yourself a lifelike sex doll.

Anunci real de nines sexuals


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