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El Club de Futbol de Seül intenta afegir una mica de diversió en un joc sense espectadors

The team claimed: "We have confirmed that although these nina sexual real mannequins look like real people, they have nothing to do with adult products." But it seems that their suppliers did give them sex dolls. Viewers noticed on social media that some of the characters were wearing costumes with sex doll company logos and were tighter than the average model. The Seoul Football Club said in a statement: "We are trying to add some fun in a non-spectator game." "But we have not checked all the details, which is obviously our fault."

"Just look at their breasts, they are four times the size of ordinary mannequins," one fan wrote on the club's official Instagram account. The club issued a statement on Monday saying that the supplier told them that the dolls were not "adult supplies" but apologized for failing to check. It said: "We hope to bring some interesting elements to the fanless game and convey the message that we can overcome this difficult period."

However, during the game against Gwangju Football Club, eagle-like fans noticed that many "mannans" have certain physical characteristics that are usually not visible in ordinary storefronts. It is pointed out that some dolls have large breasts and nipples, which makes many people question whether the Seoul Football Club has used sex dolls. Someone wrote: “Wow. They do n’t know what they ’re doing, it does n’t make sense. Look at the photos. Anyone can tell. Another person said:“ It ’s disgusting. This shows the well-educated Seoul Football Club. "After investigation, the football club stated that they were definitely not sex dolls themselves, but also admitted that sex dolls should not be used.

The Korean football club Seoul apologized because sex dolls appeared in the stands. After defeating Gwangju Football Club 1-0 on Sunday, the supporters in the stands were inadvertently replaced by sex dolls, which led to Seoul ’s leading Seoul club, Seoul Club, apologizing to fans. When the season started on May 8th, due to the outbreak of coronavirus, fans had not yet allowed access to the stadium. For Seoul ’s first home game, about 20 nina sexual masculina mannequins, many of them holding slogans and wearing masks, were evenly distributed in the seats behind the goal usually occupied by the club ’s most active fans.

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