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Porteu aquestes nines sexuals reals amb molta càrrega

The skeleton used to make these products is very fragile and has the necessary padding to ensure zero harm to the user. However, according to the size of the carrying shape, it is best to avoid carrying these real nina del sexe with a heavy load to avoid causing any unforeseen back injuries.

First, let's take a look at those very cheap and often mentioned inflatable dolls. They must be exaggerated to form a real person. The appearance is rough, the appearance is very different from the real person, and the posture cannot be changed. The texture is not too heavy. Well, the vagina is similar to the vaginal mold of real people.

Second, let's look at semi-solid dolls that belong to inflatable dolls. So-called semi-solid dolls are actually fixed on the head and chest and should not be inflated. Semi-solid dolls are much better than pure inflatable dolls. The semi-solid real sex dolls' breasts can be filled with water, which can increase the elasticity of the breasts and make them look like real breasts. Semi-solid dolls have a higher degree of simulation than pure inflatable dolls, and the price will not be much more expensive than pure inflatable dolls, usually around several hundred yuan.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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