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Creeu nines sexuals perquè els amants puguin controlar les seves ganes

In the long run, personal and financial security will not risk another failed relationship. The doll sounds appealing ... isn't it? The owner of the nina del sexe left the wealth to the models, but refused to be buried with them: "It's like burying with your sister."

The evolution of sex dolls and their impact on relationships is a topic worthy of discussion in a Carte Blanche episode last week. Host Bingwa takes the audience into a world where sex and technology meet. Most importantly, the development of adult entertainment means huge sums of money.

Currently, both types are produced on a large scale. Prices for quality TPE dolls range from $ 1000- $ 3,000. Prices for silicone dolls range from $ 2,500 to $ 7,000. Every budget has a doll!

Women everywhere are in trouble. The explosion of angry beauty movies. GYNOID dolls are called love dolls and are made of 100% silicone. We can only say thank you, she is not cheap.

The adult world's owner, Arthur Calamaras, knows this and is already on the market. Not long ago, this global American company announced the release of the "brain" application Sex Doll AI, which can help your silicone RealDoll cater to every whim.

The CEO told the publication in an interview that the app is not gender-based-once the male version of the app is completed, subscribers can easily choose a different gender when creating their own AI, "he said. Technically This may also make the man redundant, but if there is a sexual relationship, blowing R80000 to a flat-breasted love doll, our money will fall on this man.

American photographer Laurie Simmons likes to anthropomorphize people's still lifes and create story scenes with nostalgia and beauty. The company is anatomically mimicking a 5-year-old girl, which was controversial when store owners said they would start making sex dolls for pedophiles to control their urges.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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