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La revolució tècnica està preparada per a les nines sexuals japoneses

Because he works in other industries - there are 500 customers who say business is booming. Many customers return once a week or every two weeks. "We have six dolls. He recalls that we sold four dolls on Labor Day weekend. Like other professions, porn stars seem to be ready for the upcoming technological revolution.

There is no need to hire a setup designer, a lighting engineer, a sound technician, and of course an actor. But one company believes that this may provide a solution for these lonely men - in the form of "smart" TPE sex dolls, who can chat, play music and even open the dishwasher.

Just last year, a sex doll “brothel” opened in Toronto, promising that its customers and one of the dolls had a warranty time as low as $80 ($86.53). What features do you need to look for in sex dolls? The thing about sex dolls is that they are really built for your entertainment.

Male dolls are far from the top three, but the major silicone doll manufacturers in the United States are trying to diversify their products by choosing men. Where do you buy Nina sexual japonesa? Urdolls is the world's largest manufacturer of adult dolls, and they are undoubtedly the best dolls in the industry. You can buy dolls directly from their website, they have dozens of choices - male and female.

Adult dolls range from creepy and disturbing to sexy and realistic. Still, this is more indicative of the use of TPE sex dolls than the popular shame. From the market size of $425 million in 2014 to 2023, the US doll industry is expected to increase to $690 million.

Japanese sex doll marketing director said in an interview with AFP: "The shortage of women in China is a factor that leads to this increase in demand, but not just sex." The private area behind it is like a kitchen. The bathroom area has an apartment and a bedroom. The stereo system is connected to the bedroom in the executive office so the owner can drown out any buzz.

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