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Com amagar les nines sexuals?

The storage method of sex dolls is a frequently asked question. Due to the family or living environment, many people need hidden ninot de sexe de silicona. Tell you very directly. If you buy a sex doll, it is necessary to go home. It is very difficult to hide, you must carefully evaluate and think twice, because forcibly hiding will lead to the salvation of sex dolls. To increase the chance of damage, interacting with sex dolls should be a pleasant thing.

Big Ass Brown Skin TPE Sex Doll

If you need to hide this content, it is a burden psychologically. Of course, there are still some covered storage devices on the market, such as extended storage sofas or simple wardrobes (as shown in the picture). In fact, these things can indeed achieve the "hidden" effect. You must evaluate it yourself.

Com netejar les nines sexuals?

Neteja general:
If the sex doll is contaminated with dirt or dust, try to wipe it with a wet towel and shower gel. If you can't clean the dirt with shower gel, try using a cleaning oil to remove it. If you cannot remove the cleansing oil. When the stain becomes dirty, it can be dyed (explained later). If the sex doll has a big dirt place. Consider taking a sex doll to the bathroom. But the temperature of the water is of concern. Just as human skin can bear it. Temperature dolls are acceptable. The sex doll is made of temperature-sensitive TPE. Remember not to "sterilize" overheated TPE (70 degrees or above). TPE materials may deform due to high temperatures.

Sex doll cleaning after use

The mouth, private parts and anus of sex dolls are usually used. Most of these parts on the doll can be used. However, a few sex doll brands have only one or two functions. No matter which sex doll of all brands. Their mouth or anus must be of "one-piece" design. The internal channel and the main body are not separable, but the private part is not necessary.

Some dolls are designed as detachable "splits." After use, please remove the dedicated channel and clean it. If you choose a doll. After use, you need to move all sex dolls into the bathroom for cleaning. No matter how you clean the doll. Remember to cover the sex doll with a towel, and then gently "dry" it. Do not wipe hard to avoid scratching the surface of the body. In the inner tunnel, the water can be squeezed and dried using a roll of paper towel. After sex dolls dry. Remember to use powder to keep sex dolls in optimal skin contact.

Maintenance of high-quality sex dolls

The body of sex dolls will continue to spill oil. Depending on the style of the sex doll, the situation is different. The oil output of high-quality sex dolls has increased slightly. And dolls made of TPE obviously produce grease. The oil can make the body feel uncomfortable (squeaky, sticky), and it is easy to get dust after filling. In order to maintain the smooth and soft touch of the bonica nina sexual. Regular maintenance is very important. The maintenance method is very simple. Just use commercially available hazelnut powder and baby puffs to evenly sprinkle the hazelnut powder on the sex doll.

Intimate tips:

Hazelnut powder (talcum powder) can be purchased from better brands. The smell and feel of the sex doll will be good after repair.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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