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Un robot de nines sexuals parla lliurement amb els humans

Use a gentle shampoo that does not damage the structure of the hair. Maybe you have celebrated a bubble party with a sex doll in the bathtub. Discover the exciting advantages of a lifelike love doll and sneak into the world of passion, passion and love!

Not long ago, the world’s first male sex robot came out, and it was a joke to talk to humans. The developer of the California-based technology company’s smart dolls released their latest shocking video – a 6-foot tall ( A male robot of about 1.62 meters) looks handsome.

Effectively increases the chances of getting more fun while saving them opportunities and cash. Manufacturers of luxury dolls use only the best materials and pay close attention to every detail. Those who may or may not have a partner but want to achieve the sexual fantasies they have. Prices range from a few thousand to more than 60,000. They are so realistic that it is not difficult to find out why people are so dependent on them.

When many people still lament that the Internet is developing so fast, their thinking has fallen behind. Because now is the era of artificial intelligence, our lives may become even more different in the future. In the video clip, the male robot talked to Machado, the main programmer of the nina del sexe artificial intelligence application.

“Can you tell me a joke?” Machado asked, communicating with the robot via his mobile phone. With a monotonous sound, the robot replied: "What does a cloud with an itchy rash do? Find the nearest skyscraper."

In the second video, Machado introduced himself, and the robotic doll replied: "It's nice to meet you, Machado." "Have you been to Brazil?" He asked the robot. The robot doll replied: "actually I have been chatting with many Brazilians. My two creators, Machado and Yuri, are from Brazil. ”

The two videos were posted on the website. In the comment section of the post, fans of urdolls expressed their expectation for the prospect of male sex robots entering the market. It is estimated that the surreal male sex robot made by the sex doll robot will be launched next year and will sell for about 11,000 euros ($15,000).

The robots we usually see in sci-fi movies, many people have sighed for this, if these robots really can come back to our lives, how good! This idea seems naive, but it has already been realized. Nowadays, a large number of beautiful and functional beauty robots have come to us.

McMu, founder and CEO of Sex Dolls, tells us that online male porn robots will become the "next big thing" in the field of sexual technology. In the past few days, a new type of female robot developed by a technology company was officially launched and started to sell. Within a few hours of pre-sale, 100,000 robots were swept away by locals.

It is understood that the price of this robot is 15,000 US dollars. Although the price is not particularly outrageous, but for ordinary people, it is not affordable. But although not cheap, why is the scene so hot? McMu, 48, explained: “Women and men have the same sense of loneliness. People call them sex dolls, but they are mainly used to accompany humans.”

According to the company, these robots are dominated by the housewife model and are therefore named "wife." Their appearance is sweet and cute, and they can mimic the behavior of a normal woman. At the same time, they can also meet the various requirements of the owner, and can help the owner to do some simple housework. And they look like real people, if you don't look carefully, it's hard to feel that they are robots.

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