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Com netejar i cuidar una nina sexual

Proper hygiene is essential to a safe and enjoyable experience with sex dolls. Cleaning and maintaining sex dolls will not only help prevent bacteria growth and odor, but will also help extend their life. In this article, we'll explore effective cleaning methods, suitable cleaning Doll Doll products, and general maintenance tips to ensure your sex doll remains clean, fresh, and hygienic throughout use.

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mètode de neteja

SURFACE CLEANING: Begin by wiping the surface of the doll with a damp, lint-free cloth or sponge. Gently clean the surface with a mild, non-abrasive soap or a specialized sex toy cleaner. Avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that may damage doll skin.

Vaginal and anal openings: For the doll's intimate opening, it is important to use a special cleaning solution designed for sex toys. These solutions are often antimicrobial and help keep the doll's sensitive areas clean. Rinse the opening with warm water and apply a cleaner, following the manufacturer's directions. Rinse and dry openings thoroughly after cleaning.

Internal cleaning: Some sex dolls have removable or insertable components, such as vaginal or anal inserts. The inserts can be removed and washed individually with warm water and mild soap. Make sure to dry them properly before Ninot FANREAL reinserting them into the doll. The doll has no removable inserts, please use a specially designed rinse tool or a syringe with warm water to rinse the inner cavity, then dry with a clean cloth.

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the right cleaning product

Mild soap: Choose a mild, non-abrasive soap suitable for Funwest Doll sensitive skin. Avoid soaps that contain strong fragrances, dyes, or antibacterial additives, as they may damage the doll's skin or cause irritation.

Sex Toy Cleaner: Consider using a sex toy cleaner specially formulated for cleaning sex dolls. These cleaners are usually antimicrobial and designed to be safe on the doll's material.

Antibacterial Spray: If desired, you can use a mild antibacterial spray after Nina Zelex cleaning the doll's surface. Choose a spray formulated specifically for sex toys, making sure it's compatible with the doll's material.

drying and storage

After cleaning, dry the doll thoroughly to prevent moisture buildup, which can lead to mold or mildew growth. Pat the surface of the doll dry with a soft, clean towel. Pay special attention to crevices and hard-to-reach areas.
Store doll in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. If possible, keep the doll in a dedicated storage bag or box to protect it from dust and other contaminants. Avoid storing the doll in a bent or folded position for long periods of time as this may affect its shape.

consells de manteniment

Periodic Inspection: Periodically inspect doll for any signs of wear, tear or damage. Pay attention to joints, seams and frequently used areas. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage.

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Dust: Some sex dolls are dusted with cornstarch or talcum powder after they have been cleaned and dried. This helps keep the doll soft and prevents aggression.

Lubricant use: When using lubricant, choose a water-based lubricant that is compatible with the material of the doll. Avoid oil-based or silicone-based lubricants, as they can damage your doll's skin.

Proper cleaning and maintenance of sex dolls is essential for hygiene, odor control, and the longevity of the doll. By following effective cleaning methods, using appropriate cleaning products, and implementing regular maintenance routines, users can ensure their sex dolls will remain clean, fresh, and hygienic throughout use.

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