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La volandera està muntada a l'exterior de l'eix de la nina sexual?

Pestanya Conan
Des de 17, 2019 14: 39

I remember seeing a line some time ago, and I think this is from a samurai, about installing springs or washers on the neck nuts of solid sex dolls to help reduce the possibility of doll heads swaying from side to side. I can't seem to follow the clue, so if anyone can point me in the right direction, or if any of these good gentlemen can repeat their suggestions, I would appreciate it. All you need is a rubber washer. I use the thick faucet washing machine from the faucet washing machine kit I purchased. The rubber washer tightens the head, but still rotates as needed. You are using a pretty diameter washer, is it suitable for a hollow hollow "nut" stem on the neck (so that when the "bolt" part of the head is tightened, upward pressure is applied to the thread) or is it a larger washer? If the nina del sexe head is “bolted”, is the washer mounted on the outside of the shaft?

Anunci real de nines sexuals


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