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Les nines sexuals de silicona i material TPE no causaran cap dany al cos humà

After experiencing the encouraging development of the bonica nina sexual industry and the many benefits brought by dolls, we cannot ignore its health and safety aspects. This may be the most important consideration in deciding whether to buy a realistic doll.
How to ensure safety when using sex dolls?
● Make sure you buy from a reputable store. Also, please pay attention to consumer reviews.
●For sex toys, it is recommended that you spend more money and buy products made of silicone and TPE materials. Both materials will not cause any damage or irritation to human skin. In the long run, it is easy to clean and disinfect without affecting the quality of the toy. Even more surprising is that both silicone and TPE materials are hypoallergenic, which means that there is no possibility of skin irritation or disease when using products made from them.
per nina sexual masculina, the sanitary condition is measured by determining whether the material used is porous or non-porous. The silicone sex doll is non-porous, so it is easy to clean and disinfect regularly to improve the hygiene of the doll. The material has a soft surface, no pores, water and other body fluids will be trapped during cleaning or sex. On the other hand, TPE materials contain fine pores, and moisture and other foreign objects may be trapped in them.

Nina d'amor TPE de pit gran de 158 cm Bonnie

The presence of air holes in the material means that it cannot be disinfected Nina sexual japonesa, and cleaning is more difficult because you must ensure that all water is drained after cleaning. After sexual intercourse, body fluids may remain in anal and vaginal activities, which is unsanitary and can cause infections in the user in the long run.
Whether you are a couple or single, masturbation can help you improve your sex life. If you have a partner, masturbation can help you find happy things and tell your partner to have a better experience. Masturbation can even solve the problem of different sexual desires between husband and wife.

If you are single, it can still have a positive effect on you, because understanding your love for your body can help you improve your self-esteem. Some people worry that this may lead to dependence on self-pleasure and ninot de sexe de silicona, otherwise they may have difficulty orgasm. However, this should not cause concern. Although this may happen, it is not long-term. After all, the most exciting feeling can only come from actual sex, not from masturbation.

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