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A continuació, fem una ullada a la nina física

Then let's take a look at the physical doll. The so-called physical nines sexuals barates are mostly made of silicone, which is more realistic than inflatable dolls. The appearance of the physical doll is much better than that of the inflatable doll, and the degree of simulation is much higher, almost the same as the real person. Because the physical doll has a mechanical skeleton as a keel inside, it can change a variety of positions for you to use, which is more realistic than ordinary inflatable dolls.

La nina física i la nina inflable no estan al mateix nivell. Com que la nina física està feta de material de silicona i no s'ha d'inflar, el preu és relativament car, normalment al voltant d'uns quants milers de iuans, que no és assequible per a la gent normal, però està molt a prop de la vida de la gent. Amb la millora del nivell, la gent ara li agrada més i més, de manera que les nines físiques s'estan popularitzant a poc a poc.

El físic Nina d'amor adopts the all-silicone solution and the non-inflatable solution, so the shape is relatively large and cannot be folded and stored like an inflatable doll. This is a bit unbearable for the current Chinese people, but as the minds of domestic people gradually open up, they are more open to physical dolls. Stamina will gradually improve. Although physical dolls are expensive, they are a good choice for those who want to pursue high-quality physical dolls.

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Let's talk about the intelligent entity doll. Ordinary Nina sexual masculina can no longer meet the needs of the Chinese. There are smart doll manufacturers in China. Smart dolls can speak smartly. There was temperature all over them, blinking, and the corners of their mouths moved slightly. Intelligent entity dolls are also called robot dolls. This is a breakthrough to the current ordinary dolls, and it also completes the intelligentization and informatization of dolls.

Intimacy and personal feelings have a deeper meaning than shallow desires and longings. It is also related to the physical connection that can occur between two independent entities. This is exactly what happens when love and sex dolls develop and have a real connection with their owners. The doll is no longer just an inanimate object used for sexual activity; it becomes much more than that. With the development of feelings, robots who had no feelings before can make love into something more sensual and passionate.

A meaningful connection can be established between the user and the doll, because the basic human satisfaction is brought to a higher place through intimacy. With intimate knowledge and frequent interactions and contacts, a deeper connection may be formed between the two, and it is well known that this happens frequently in all parts of the world, regardless of race or gender. Once these feelings are established, the relationship will begin to flourish and become very satisfying on many physical and emotional levels. Soon there will be a desire for continued companionship and interaction, and if action is taken, a beneficial intimacy will be formed between the Nina sexual d'anime and the owner.

Anunci real de nines sexuals


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