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Ell i el seu germà Fritz i Lotpinzer van crear la seva primera nina sexual el 1933

If I am a man who only likes big breasts, I would rather choose Nina sexual d'anime to satisfy my sibling desires. I would not find a woman with only breasts to be my lover. The reason is very simple, because sex dolls and real people are fake The breasts feel roughly the same when touched, and the price paid to a real person is too great. You have to win her favor in order to fill your hands. When you break up, you have to pay for the troubles of breaking up and so on. And fun. The doll does not have these troubles.

En resum, Henry, que sembla perfecte, encara forma part de la meva ment. Tanmateix, el futurista Ian Pearson ja confia que obrirà blat. Preveu que l'any 2050, els humans i els robots tindran una freqüència més alta que els humans. També va dir que el 2025, a les nines sexuals femenines els agradaran més els robots que els humans. Estic una mica espantat per això, i tinc una mica de ganes.

The head sculpture of the silicone bonica nina sexual is also more delicate, which can create a very exquisite makeup effect. At the same time, it is much denser than the TPE material, which can better simulate the weight of the human body and is better in durability. But there is a disadvantage, expensive! But now that the domestic manufacturers have exerted their efforts, the price of silicone dolls has been much lower than that of some national brands.


Bellmer began to think about his niece after his wife became weaker and weaker due to tuberculosis, but he understood that he could not have a physical relationship with his niece Ursula, but he was inspired by Kokoschka to realize this dream. Started to create his own sex doll. With the support of his mother, he and his brother Fritz and Lotpinzer created his first Nina sexual japonesa en 1933.

Even more innovative, and developed a doll that can blink. There is a control wire behind each doll's eyes, which allows the doll's eyes to blink, making it more like a real person. Later, kissing was added to the sex dolls, and facial expressions were also enriched. The fingers of the dolls were more flexible, and some expensive dolls were able to communicate with their owners. Recently the company invested a lot of money in artificial intelligence and robotics research, the purpose is to be one step ahead in the future development of sex dolls.

Pragona sex doll is a Barbie doll from ancient Greece, a clay doll from ancient Greece. In addition, on the day before the girl's marriage, these dolls were even dedicated to Artemis, the goddess of hunting, moon, prettybirth, and nature. Similarly, ancient Rome also had dolls with movable limbs. They are made of clay, wood, rags and ivory. Like Pragona dolls, they are played by girls and given to the goddess when they get married. In both civilizations, these Nina sexual TPE were found buried in the little girl's sarcophagus.

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