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un altre

  • El mateix passa amb la qualitat i el disseny de les seves nines sexuals


  • Les nines realistes són una bona opció


  • Les nines sexuals de silici actuals tenen múltiples funcions i opcions de flexibilitat

    A l’entrevista pertinent, es pot saber que s’han filmat alguns clips i hi ha previst fer més rodatges el 2021. El 2017, quan ERICA es va presentar per primera vegada en un vídeo de 18 minuts, el seu productor va parlar de voler utilitzar el que ell anomenava un "robot". projecte "per canviar el món. Tot i que els homes utilitzen nines sexuals amb la deguda cura i precaució, poden estar exposats a taques, aigua o calor. Per aquest motiu, les nines de silicona es consideren una bona opció.


  • Com incorporar nines sexuals realistes a la seva relació d’una manera bastant sana

    En primer lloc, ens agrada que cada personatge de l’obra sigui tridimensional i reflexiu. Sí, Dan té una nina sexual, però mai no ha estat retratat com una persona estranya o anormal. Al mateix temps, també ens permet veure com una parella integra nines sexuals realistes a la seva relació d’una manera bastant sana. El problema més gran a què s’enfronten la majoria de persones grans és la solitud.


  • Cada any, cada vegada són més els amants de les nines que decideixen convertir-se en una celebritat d'Internet en el camp de les nines sexuals

    Les persones busquen diferents tipus d’opcions que puguin millorar l’alegria de la vida i proporcionar satisfacció. Provar algunes coses diferents a les teves fantasies sexuals t’ajudarà a augmentar el plaer i et permetrà sentir-te atret en el futur. És possible que vulgueu provar diferents posicions sexuals amb la nina. Per tant, és molt important assegurar-se que les costoses nines sexuals japoneses de Nova Jersey puguin suportar la pressió. La nina ha de ser prou flexible per permetre-li provar tot tipus de postures que se li puguin imaginar.


  • Les nines d’amor realistes poden proporcionar una companyia increïble que mai no havíeu experimentat durant el sexe

    Ajuda a alliberar l’estrès sexual, estalvia preocupar-se per certes malalties i problemes innecessaris, ajuda a pacients autistes com Lars a intentar connectar-se amb el món i redueix el pànic d’una confrontació social sobtada. Una vegada més, recordeu que aquestes nines no són només per mantenir-vos a prop. També actuen com a estressors. Si porteu una vida dolorosa i solitària i ningú no pot satisfer les vostres necessitats, aquestes nines poden satisfer les vostres necessitats.


  • Les nines d’amor realistes poden curar amb eficàcia la soledat aportant un gran plaer sexual a les persones

    La majoria de la gent intenta trobar la felicitat en les coses materials. Però, realment, creieu que la riquesa material pot donar alegria a la vostra vida? Tot i que les coses tangibles aporten felicitat a curt termini, els sentiments intangibles, com l’amor, us poden fer més feliços durant tota la vostra vida. Aquí és on entren les nines sexuals. Com tots sabem, les nines per a adults us proporcionaran amor i cura il·limitats. Et pot fer molt feliç.


  • L’ús de nines d’amor us proporciona la capacitat real de combatre l’estrès i l’ansietat d’una manera millor

    L’últim any, les vendes a la indústria de les nines sexuals han crescut a passos de gegant, cosa que també ha promogut canvis tecnològics a la indústria. Els fabricants d’urdolls han fet millores significatives en els materials utilitzats en els seus productes insígnia, inclosa l’actualització de les seves pròtesis populars a la comunitat de les nines sexuals. Els fabricants continuen fent modificacions i els resultats han estat impecables en els darrers anys. El mercat també inclou una gran varietat de nines amb les quals podeu parlar.


  • Les nines sexuals fins i tot viuen a diferents parts del món

    El propietari de la botiga de nines sexuals, com a proveïdor d’urdolls de nines sexuals independent i autoritzat, treballa de la mà de la nostra marca de nines sexuals per proporcionar als clients una gran varietat de nines sexuals per satisfer les seves fantasies. El paper de la marca és triar la millor nina sexual segons les estadístiques de vendes i la introducció del cap. Als Estats Units, urdolls s’enorgulleix de ser el propietari de la marca d’algunes botigues de nines sexuals i ens comprometem a establir relacions comercials a llarg termini.


  • Les nines sexuals realistes són ideals per a la servitud i l'obediència amb corda

    Si tens una feina ben pagada, sense oportunitats de cites, però al mateix temps necessites i desitges la felicitat, és possible que vulguis comprar una nina sexual. Fins a cert punt, les nines sexuals redueixen aquest repte. Com el seu nom indica, aquestes nines estan dissenyades com una noia real per al sexe. A tot el món, la gent compra nines sexuals reals de gamma alta a prettyia per satisfer els seus desitjos sexuals. A més, el propòsit d'aquestes nines és educar belleses i adults sobre el sexe. És possible que vulgueu provar diferents posicions sexuals amb la nina.


  • És possible que vulgueu provar diferents posicions sexuals amb la nina

    No obstant això, aquestes nines no et diran que no en cap cas. Com una joguina pot donar a qualsevol persona una sensació d’humanitat i substituir fàcilment una dona durant el sexe, sens dubte us farà sentir estranys. No obstant això, això és completament correcte. Hi ha moltes raons poderoses que segurament us faran creure que una nina sexual adequada us pot proporcionar una satisfacció millor que una dona. És possible que vulgueu provar diferents posicions sexuals amb la nina.


  • Tots els lubricants són adequats per utilitzar-se sobre la pell de les nines d’amor

    Si aquesta demanda no es pot satisfer en la mateixa categoria, es fixarà en altres humanoides i criatures no vives, incloses nines d'amor humanoides o robots humans. "Wired" va informar una vegada que un professor jubilat que vivia sol utilitzava el netejador de robots com a acompanyant. Quina nina d’amor creus que és la millor? Tots tenen molts processos de fabricació diferents i és difícil triar-ne un, de manera que només elogio tots els productes amb els quals he entrat en contacte.


  • Algunes de les nines d’amor de silicona de la millor qualitat i les darreres

    Per què perdre el temps sortint a buscar algú a qui connectar, quan es pot tenir una nina d’amor per satisfer tots els seus desitjos. Abans del 2009 o anteriors, molta gent no sabia què són les nines d’amor? Ella va dir: "Per això," La nina d'amor romàntica "no s'ha rodat durant tant de temps. A més, no puc pensar en una persona adequada per a aquesta pel·lícula". A mesura que la tecnologia robòtica de les nines d’amor s’ha tornat cada vegada més complexa, han sorgit moltes indústries diferents. Moltes noves oportunitats per utilitzar aquest producte.


  • Passa i fes servir nines d’amor per convertir-te en un professional del teu joc

    Molta gent pensa que al segle XVII els mariners holandesos van ser els primers pioners de les nines d’amor. En el llarg i solitari viatge marítim esperen companyia. Per superar la soledat, els mariners fabricaran ninots d’amor primitius amb roba i draps. Des de llavors, les nines d’amor han recorregut un llarg camí fins ara.


  • Aquí hi ha algunes històries sobre nines d’amor que potser no haureu de conèixer

    Bai Xue va tractar la nina d'amor com una persona més que com una cosa, i quan va ser acceptada per un desconegut, es va sentir compresa. Bai Xue considerava la nina d'amor com la seva filla. Té un grapat d'experiències amoroses, immersa en la identitat d'aquesta "mare". Amb "filla", em sento com a casa en aquesta preciosa ciutat. La compacitat d'una nina d'amor de 140 cm és el principal factor que fa que tanta gent la vulgui. A causa de la seva bonica mida, la nina d'amor és molt portàtil i mòbil.


  • Hi ha moltes maneres d’aconseguir nines d’amor al mercat

    Molta gent es plantejarà i ocultarà els seus desitjos abans de comprar. Però avui en dia, la majoria d'ells han sortit dels seus armaris, expressant fantasies d'estar amb nines sexuals per satisfer les seves necessitats privades. Tot i això, si coneixeu bé la llei, és millor conèixer la popularitat de les nines realistes. Al segle XXI, experimentem el consum just i gratuït de la millor elecció de nines d’amor per satisfer els vostres desitjos sexuals.


  • Saps què et poden aportar les nines sexuals?

    Quan passejàvem per diverses ciutats, no era difícil trobar que les botigues d’articles per a adults dels carrers i carrerons estiguessin plenes de nines sexuals per a homes. Si cerqueu "nines sexuals" a través d'Amazon, el nombre de productes supera amb escreix les 50 pàgines i les plataformes de cerca com Google també tenen a la venda un gran nombre de productes relacionats. Les nines sexuals van canviar la vida? Encara dubteu en comprar una nina sexual? Però sabeu què us poden aportar les nines sexuals? Com et canvien la vida les nines sexuals? Com a expert en nines sexuals, he conegut molts amants de les nines sexuals i he establert relacions estretes amb ells.


  • És possible que la vostra parella no vulgui experimentar el mateix comportament sexual que voleu

    Podríeu pensar que la seva societat és lliure i oberta, perquè els canvis de gènere són molt habituals allà. Però aquest no és el cas. Les nines sexuals són il·legals aquí. Està classificat com a article prohibit a Tailàndia. Tot i que el càstig no és molt sever, encara s’imposarà una determinada multa. David Levy, l'autor del llibre "Sexe i amor als robots", va escriure: "L'amor entre humans i robots serà tan normal com l'amor entre humans. Les màquines i la intel·ligència artificial acabaran amb l'ansietat i la incompetència de les relacions interpersonals ... Actualment, les persones amb vides buides tenen grans necessitats.


  • Les nines sexuals us ajudaran a gaudir d’una vida sexual meravellosa

    Amèrica. "Una de les nostres sèries més venudes són les nines sexuals de celebritats, que ara són buscades per gent bonica. També estem treballant dur per reduir el pes de la nina. Això és molt popular entre els clients i els facilita la recollida. "Històricament, a principis del segle XIX, Europa va començar a fabricar aquests productes amb característiques i decoracions de gènere evidents. Per exemple, en aquella època, hi havia lleis al Regne Unit que prohibien la importació i venda d'aquests productes "immorals" i de "conducció no tripulada".


  • L’ús de nines sexuals ha estat popular a tot el món durant molts anys

    Els surrealistes van afirmar que la imatge de la nina de Bellmer es va utilitzar com a metàfora de l'atac al rígid sistema autocràtic del país nazi (referència: Qui va inventar la primera nina de personatges). Crear una escena de la vida real pot ensenyar als adults a fer entendre a les seves parelles les seves fantasies i desitjos. Sense dir una paraula, podeu transmetre les vostres intencions, cosa que és fàcil d’entendre mitjançant les nines adultes. De la mateixa manera que una dutxa és fonamental per a tu, també ho és per a la teva nina.


  • Les nines sexuals són com autèntiques parelles humanes

    En aquest cas, traieu la perruca del cap de la nina per evitar punxar la pell. Abans de raspallar-vos les dents suaument des del cap fins a l'arrel, feu servir els dits per tractar els embolcalls i, a continuació, feu servir una ampolla d'esprai d'aigua per ruixar una mica d'aigua tèbia a la perruca per humitejar-la. No estireu massa fort per evitar una caiguda excessiva. Per descomptat, una bona quantitat de vessament és inevitable. Sophia, el robot sexual d'intel·ligència artificial que s'entrevista. A diferència de la gran barba de l'amfitrió i les rialles abundants, té una pell llisa i impecable, un somriure encantador i una feminitat brillant.


  • Animeu els que provin al marge de les nines sexuals

    Altres tenen un fort desig de control i trien una nina feminista sensible perquè no es desafiaran a si mateixes. Abans que la filla realment compri una nina sexual, sempre discuteix amb la seva xicota i vol aparellar la mare de la seva xicota amb ell perquè pugui estar amb la seva xicota per sempre. Va dir: "Al principi, la meva filla va veure de sobte un maniquí estirat al llit. Sempre hi havia un cop al cor, pensant que el seu pare era una persona estranya. Al cap i a la fi, la majoria de les persones que van comprar això eren otaku".


  • Demaneu a les nines sexuals que facin qualsevol cosa per satisfer els seus desitjos

    Per això és emocionant veure notícies sobre nines sexuals. Per tant, anem a veure quines notícies han vist les nines sexuals. El Seoul Football Club, el primer equip de futbol de Corea del Sud, va rebre una multa rècord. Quines normes van infringir? Durant l'epidèmia, van preparar acuradament un vídeo promocional. Algunes persones diuen que aquestes persones han de satisfer la curiositat, d'altres diuen que les nines sexuals són les segones amigues dels homes.


  • el propòsit original del sexe

    La parella hologràfica d'intel·ligència artificial Joey a "Blade Runner 2049" representa la imaginació humana de la futura forma de parella sexual digital. Una enquesta de més de 2,800 belleses de 18 anys al Regne Unit va demostrar que més d'un terç d'elles estan disposades a sortir amb un robot, el 21% va dir que acceptaria tenir relacions sexuals amb un robot i el 72% dels enquestats creuen que les habilitats del robot haurien de ser capaços de millorar. Genial i no odiarà detalls específics.


  • Feu fotos de la seva nina sexual de silicona al costat del riu

    Per això, sempre ens han interessat els treballs creatius que subverteixen la incomprensió de les nines sexuals per part de la gent. En aquest cas, hem vist l’acceptació de nines sexuals, el sentit de l’humor i les obres creatives. Espero que això animi els qui provin al marge de les nines sexuals. Friki és un terme argot que fa referència a les persones estranyes que s’obsessionen amb els videojocs, les pel·lícules d’animació i les nines realistes. En essència, aquestes persones són equivalents a frikis English argot.


  • Com els adults permeten que les seves parelles entenguin les seves fantasies i desitjos

    Amb l'ajuda de la tecnologia, aquests models artístics han evolucionat de conceptes a obres mestres existents. Els avantatges únics de les nines sexuals són incomparables i ofereixen als usuaris una experiència extraordinària. Va dir que les reaccions i respostes actuals de les persones al qüestionari posterior a l'experiment mostren que quan entren en contacte amb Gepretty F, se senten ansiós, nerviosos i fins i tot por. En el primer experiment, Gepretty F es va asseure al costat d'una persona i les dues portaven la mateixa roba.


  • La primera pregunta d’obrir una sala d’experiències de nines sexuals

    A l'article d'avui, presentarem els dos productes més populars de la indústria de les nines sexuals, és a dir, una bonica nina sexual 140 i un tors de nines sexuals. També entendrem els avantatges d'aquests productes respecte d'altres productes del mercat. La primera pregunta sobre obrir una sala d'experiències de nines sexuals. Hi ha molt poques sales d'experiència de lloguer de nines sexuals obertes durant molt de temps.


  • Les nines sexuals són una altra experiència sensorial important

    Només cal que pregunteu a la vostra empresa de nines si en tenen una, i si no en tenen, us proporcionaran una a la vostra capsa de manera gratuïta o per una bona tarifa. Només cal fer servir aigua tèbia o una manta elèctrica. Tant si feu servir una nina sexual bonica de 140 cm a Illinois o qualsevol altra nina, escalfar-la abans d'utilitzar-la marcarà la diferència.


  • El significat de satisfacció o plaer sexual ha canviat completament les nines sexuals

    No obstant això, amb l'arribada de les nines sexuals, el significat de satisfacció o plaer sexual ha canviat completament. Ara, la gent comença a entendre la importància d’emfatitzar els desitjos físics. En comparació amb les dones reals, prefereixen tenir relacions sexuals amb nines adultes, perquè aquestes últimes els poden proporcionar una millor sensació de satisfacció i felicitat. En última instància, això ha provocat un augment de la demanda de nines sexuals.


  • Amb aquestes nines sexuals realistes al teu costat

    Està bé gastar una mica de diners per comprar una nina amant d’alta qualitat, perquè obtindrà una nina sexual d’alta qualitat feta de TPE o silicona, amb un esquelet encoixinat que suporti l’impacte sense deformacions i que us pugui acompanyar durant molts anys. anys. 3. Les nines sexuals no haurien de dur onesies de màniga llarga ajustades. No és fàcil de portar-lo, mantenir-lo o prémer-lo durant molt de temps provocant que la superfície de la nina s’amuntegui, de manera que no es recomana comprar. Per a la majoria de la gent, realitzar els seus somnis mai ha estat fàcil.


  • Tens una forta vinculació amb les nines sexuals

    Podríeu pensar que la seva societat és lliure i oberta, perquè els canvis de gènere hi són molt habituals. Però aquest no és el cas. Les nines sexuals són il·legals aquí. Està classificat com a article prohibit a Tailàndia. Tot i que el càstig no és molt sever, encara s’imposarà una determinada multa.


  • Aiwa pretén que l’experiència sigui simplement sorprenent

    Hi havia una vegada que pensàvem que en un aprenentatge profund de la intel·ligència artificial, el sexe i la intimitat poden ser els més difícils d’analitzar i comprendre les emocions i els comportaments humans. No obstant això, a causa del ràpid desenvolupament de la tecnologia d'aprenentatge profund de la intel·ligència artificial, han aparegut esquerdes preliminars a la paret exterior d'aquesta barrera. El cost addicional de comprar una nina sexual que s’assembli exactament al que voleu val la pena, de la mateixa manera que a alguns homes els agraden els vestits ben fets, també ho són la qualitat i el disseny de les seves nines sexuals.


  • Aquestes nines sexuals estan fàcilment disponibles

    L'autora Grace Banks va dir: "Aquest llibre explora l'autonomia del cos femení en l'ambient polític, econòmic i social actual i com s'utilitzen nines sexuals, maniquins, gràfics per ordinador, relleus de neó nus i altres formes femenines. Apropriació". El 1934, Ursula va portar aquestes fotos a París per mostrar-les als pioners del surrealisme de l'època. No sabem si Ursula entén que Bellmer va fer aquesta nina perquè estava fascinada per ella i no sabem si res més va passar després de la família.


  • Com utilitzar les nines sexuals per afegir passió al vostre matrimoni?

    La indústria de les nines sexuals continua sent una de les indústries més dinàmiques. També s’ha millorat molt la qualitat de les nines sexuals, des de les coses poc atractives i falses fins a l’actualitat real i de mida natural. En el futur, el matrimoni amb els robots pot esdevenir una tendència. Decidiu comprar una nina sexual per afegir interès al vostre matrimoni. Bona elecció! Hi ha moltes raons per les quals les persones porten nines sexuals al dormitori.


  • L’experiència de les nines sexuals en TPE i silicona depèn del material

    Nina sexual de silicona: la durabilitat i la sensació són òbviament molt importants. Les nines sexuals de silicona són raonablement la varietat més popular de nines d’amor. Els materials de silicona de la millor qualitat per la seva composició. Si no es tracta d’un trastorn emocional, el punt de preu pot decebre’s encara més. Hem de tenir en compte que la silicona també s’utilitza per augmentar els pits. És resistent, suau i no degradable.


  • Quin és el teu tipus de nina sexual?

    El que vull és un home de debò que m’emporti amb tot el seu entusiasme i després el deixi anar. Com a parella, podem fer moltes posicions sexuals i pots jugar amb mi com vulguis. Si ets l’home que espero, vull ser la reina del teu desig.


  • Demaneu una de les nines que estem a punt per vendre

    Minka és un escort sènior d’Europa de l’Est, l’acompanyant perfecte per a les persones que els agraden els malucs curvats i els culots grassonets. El més important és que té aquesta cintura atractiva. Només ho sabeu, li agraden els gossets. Principalment perquè se sent molt bé, però també perquè sap que t’agrada el paisatge.


  • Hi ha una bonica nina sexual que t'espera a casa

    La fabricació de cures per a nines sexuals va començar a Àsia, de manera que si sou fans del porno asiàtic i somnieu amb fotre una noia asiàtica, proveu de fotre aquestes nines sexuals asiàtiques. El seu disseny ha assolit la màxima perfecció i la millor part és que tenen un aspecte tan real que no tindràs la sensació de fotre una nina, ja que són rèpliques exactes de dones i dones asiàtiques a les quals els agrada ser fotudes.


  • Vaig posar la meva nina d’amor en una cadira de rodes

    Esteu disposat a comprar roba? Això és provocatiu! El desengany afecta la vida nocturna. Al principi, vaig tenir coratge, però vaig posar la meva nina d’amor en una cadira de rodes i vaig gaudir de les compres. No surts al dia i desafies? Si obteniu permís per endavant, gairebé podeu obtenir el permís d’un complex o restaurant. Podeu veure el DVD junts lentament a la sala o podeu reproduir-lo i indicar la data de la sala. Aprofundim en la nostra connexió.


  • El filferro a la meva mà és sens dubte una nina de sexe japonesa verda?

    Una dona bonica va anar al metge i va trobar una misteriosa taca verda entre les cames. Després d'un breu examen, el metge va preguntar a la senyora: "Tens un xicot que porta arracades?" "Sí?" La dona va respondre curiosa. "Això li diu al teu xicot que les seves arracades no són d'or". Això és plata de llei. Crec que això vol dir que entre un 7% i un 8% de la resta dels altres metalls (principalment coure) són un 92-93% de plata. Realment no vull pensar en la clau anglesa aquí, però primer portaré la nina sexual japonesa durant un temps similar, és molt bona. L'exèrcit de nines, un total de 20 vestits de roba net i llestos per lluitar, els altres cinc es van adormir mentre esperaven el pla de seguretat. Quan els vaig tallar i substituir l'any passat, els cables de la mà de la nina sexual japonesa eren definitivament verds.


  • Vaig decidir obrir una de les tres caixes de la nina sexual?

    Però això pot durar més d’un dia. M'interessarien vendre nines sexuals, perquè crec que tindrà més problemes que el seu valor. ... com si estigués trist, sóc nou en tot això ... investigaré sobre les nines que posseeixes i les vendré i contactaré amb tu, quina és la millor opció? No he obert la caixa i la he inflat per inspecció. Vaig pensar que animaria els majoristes a acceptar-los al Regne Unit, però l’aspecte no era tan bo com l’antiga versió. Són nines, però són totalment funcionals. Depèn de la nina que vulguis. Un nadó de peluix usat serà càlid, amorós, increïble, divertit i dur com sempre. Vaig decidir obrir una de les tres caixes de la nina sexual i inflar-ne una. He sentit que hauríem de talcar TPE, però això sona més important per mantenir l’estat de TPE.


  • Les nines sexuals poden proporcionar suport emocional?

    Per descomptat que poden. Què s’ha de fer tenint en compte que s’identifiquen i identifiquen els efectes nocius de la soledat? Al nostre parer, les nines de silicona o les nines TPE poden proporcionar alternatives poderoses al suport emocional i a la realització física, de vegades creant diferències reals. Les nines sexuals semblen persones reals, proporcionant expressions facials realistes i realistes que se senten humans i proporcionen una eina important contra la soledat, la depressió i l'ansietat. Viure ràpidament en les necessitats de les societats en desenvolupament actuals fa difícil aconseguir i mantenir l’equilibri emocional. Per a una persona mitjana, una relació sana amb una altra persona pot ser molt beneficiosa i, fins i tot, canviar de vida. Segons psicòlegs i metges, construir una relació sana amb una altra persona no només proporciona estabilitat emocional, sinó que en realitat és un component físic important d’un estil de vida sostenible i saludable. Això no és un misteri. No és estrany que els sentiments d’amor, desig i passió puguin tenir un impacte important i positiu en el nostre estat físic i mental. Això es deu a les reaccions químiques i als processos químics que es produeixen quan experimentem aquestes emocions positives. Recentment hem estat investigant noves classificacions de nines sexuals i creiem que pot jugar un paper important en la societat actual. Estem parlant de nines de suport emocional.


  • Quins avantatges tenen les nines sexuals?

    Tenir nines sexuals té molts avantatges:
    1. Les nines sexuals satisfan totes les vostres necessitats i fantasies sobre el sexe. Ella és la teva parella de vida. La pots vestir com vulguis. Li agradarà que ho facis.
    2. Podeu utilitzar la nina per provar un comportament sexual nou. Si la vostra dona es nega a coincidir amb la postura que desitgeu, la compra d’una nina definitivament ho podrà resoldre, perquè la nina no tindrà cap queixa i pot fer el que vulgueu. Qualsevol posat.
    3. Poden millorar la vostra resistència sexual i tractar l'ejaculació precoç. Podeu utilitzar-les per practicar-ho.
    4. Les nines permeten viure l’experiència sexual més autèntica, perquè la seva pell està feta de TPE o silicona, molt real.


  • Puc inventar la meva nina?

    La resposta és sí, podeu utilitzar els cosmètics que trobeu a la botiga, els agradarà. Perquè a ells també els agrada la bellesa. Pots disfressar-te tant com puguis i convertir-te en el que pensis.


  • Per què no compro un model d’explosió que sigui més barat que les nines sexuals reals?

    Heu de saber la diferència entre els autèntics ninots sexuals i els models d’explosió barats. Les nines de silicona i TPE són una experiència completament diferent. Són molt més cars que els models d’emmotllament per bufat o de goma perquè les nostres nines són de silicona o TPE. Aquests materials semblen una pell real. Les nostres nines són robustes i tenen un esquelet completament articulat que us permet seguir-vos a vosaltres mateixos. La primera opció és trobar-los. Aquestes nines també són més pesades i se senten com un humà real. El realisme de les nostres nines no és comparable a altres materials i versions de nines més econòmics. Quan feu una comparació detallada, trobareu que la veritable nina té massa avantatges.


  • Hi ha alguna manera de no netejar la nina sexual?

    Si voleu netejar les nines sexuals, haureu d’utilitzar una barrera d’un sol ús, com ara un preservatiu, en el procés d’utilitzar la nina. De manera que podeu utilitzar la nina sexual sense preocupar-vos per la neteja posterior; només heu de llançar la barrera. Però en aquest pas heu d'assegurar-vos que siguin preservatius sense lubricant perquè el lubricant reacciona fàcilment amb el material de la nina sexual. Conduir a la descomposició de la pell del ninot tindrà conseqüències irreparables.


  • Ara penso fer una nina sexual japonesa tpe

    La majoria de les nines sexuals japoneses segueixen sent boniques, però encara m'asseguro que les zones íntimes estiguin en bona forma utilitzant lubricants a base d'aigua. Com que no faig servir oli, el llit és absolutament bo. Ho sento, no podem resoldre el problema dels llits de massatge... encara que segurament les noies volen un llit de massatge. (Lol, això és realment Dolly Paradise!). Només tinc una nina de tpe des de fa poc, però ara tinc previst fer una nina de tpe. Quan acabo de rentar-me i acaba d'arribar, vaig posar la meva última nina sexual japonesa tpe el novembre, no la tenia Després de sentir que es va tornar molt enganxosa, no va necessitar un dia o dos per aplicar pols, vaig sentir que tpe com wm ha millorat molt.


  • Crec que cuidar les nines sexuals serà un moment meravellós?

    Estic buscant una companya, és clar que serà estúpida, però crec que cuidar la nina sexual serà un moment meravellós. Portant roba, és a dir, escollir roba, roba interior, sabates, etc., busco cares no massa maques, cosa que em molesta perquè els seus pits em poden espantar. Puc obrir un tutorial. Què volem dir? Per als pits, hi trobem de tot, des de la copa A fins a la copa Z. Les copes més grans són les més. També hem de parar atenció al pes i saber que la majoria de models són més alts que les dones (sobretot l'amplada de les espatlles, la circumferència del braç i el turmell). Per tant, cal esperar algunes diferències, i pot ser interessant visitar el showroom per fer-se una idea i entendre el seu potencial.


  • Devorarà el material existent per a les nines sexuals

    Per a aquest propòsit, la forma més barata de TPE és el xamfrà de la fulla. Vaig dissoldre el TPE en xilè a l'ampolla i el vaig reparar. bé. Afegeix una capa de TPE en forma saturada, que està menys saturada, i empassarà el material de les nines sexuals existents i les combinarà. També vaig utilitzar amb èxit un soldador de bateria per fondre el tpe en una ferida. Vaig considerar fondre una bona quantitat de tpe en xilene i afegir-lo en grans quantitats perquè les llàgrimes no eren gens grans. Vaig intentar buscar llocs on es poguessin vendre pellets de TPE, però tot això vaig aconseguir trobar una empresa que vengués per tones mètriques. Sembla que fins ara només es necessita una bona quantitat de barreja. L'harem és correcte, el xilene funcionarà bé en la reparació del TPE, però aneu amb molta cura perquè és molt fort i si s'utilitza massa, immediatament empitjorarà la situació. També és possible barrejar TPE amb xileno per fer una crema o una pasta, però torneu amb compte. De la mateixa manera, com utilitzar-lo depèn del tipus de dany de la nina sexual que vulgueu reparar. De vegades, una imatge val més que mil paraules. Si podeu publicar imatges, us ajudarà a obtenir suggeriments més precisos. Pel que fa a la cola que ven el fabricant, no malgastis els teus diners. Proveu el xilè en una inserció. Practiqueu-ho abans d'utilitzar-lo en dones. Ja saps que el que diuen és perfecte!


  • Per què la majoria de les nines de baix preu no són una opció econòmica?

    En canvi, aquestes nines estan fetes de materials de baixa qualitat. Després d’un any d’ús, aquestes nines ni tan sols seran utilitzables i potser no us sorprendrà.


  • Com trobar ninots d’amor de silicona increïbles?

    La majoria dels compradors de nines sexuals TPE només es preocupen per la seva aparença, d’alguna manera fan els ulls grossos a com se senten en tocar-la. Tot i així, recordeu que una bona nina sexual es sentirà viva en tocar-se la pell i és molt resistent, de manera que no es trencarà després de la primera ratllada ni en pocs anys d’ús.


  • Alentiu-vos, com obtenir una estimulació lenta i constant?

    Some of the best orgasms are usually the result of slow and steady stimulation. When considering how to best reduce the speed of chronic love, you may think of hemming. Marginalization involves manipulating the sex organs up to the point of ejaculation, then stopping, and then starting again. This may be a good way to enhance orgasm. You can wrap the edges when your partner has sex.


  • Què és un tors de nina sexual?

    This is also a good time for you to conduct some experiments on your own. Don't be afraid to become a little creative. If you end up trying something and don’t like it, remember that you don’t have to do it again.


  • Hi ha pits que no canvien cap cosa real de nines sexuals?

    It's great to have a designer interested in real sex dolls! When you have 10 posts, you can access the rest. Is there a problem with its size? I bought it through a silver doll, and I don't know if French customs will stop it. Does anyone know maybe I should cancel the security order, right? But I don't think it's risky, because it's pretty and too good, has various attributes, and has no prettyish character. Whether there is a breast will not change any real sex doll.


  • Puc donar-me la meva opinió real sobre una nina sexual?

    I have a hard time finding a job. I haven't received it yet, but when I'm done, I can give you my real sex doll opinion. What do you think? Isn't she cute? I'm a little obsessed with dolls now and find out why. I want to draw it, but also love it. If this obsession does not happen to me, even buy another bigger and more realistic thing later. I'm curious about dolls. Their different shapes, faces, functions, different vendors, maintenance methods, I also want to share my real sex doll taste.


  • He assistit a una reunió de nines?

    In my profile, I don't like the word "real sex doll" or "Doll Owner" anymore. I have attended a doll meeting for the purpose of having a friendly meeting and exquisite group photos! As far as Doll is concerned, from an emotional point of view, I have no way of managing two dolls. The sway between is a problem to be solved here, completely rejected! I am a 33 year old pretty single ... what else can I say? I am a professional illustrator and have been drawing real sex dolls since I was a pretty.


  • Estic subscrit principalment a altres nines sexuals reals a la zona de París?

    Can be connected to the Internet very much 'I don't know that such a community exists, I mainly subscribe to other real sex dolls in the Paris area, participate in temporary or permanent temporary exchanges, afternoon or evening or other activities. Would you suggest me if this approach is here, impatient to communicate with you, impressive collection. However, in my case, I declined the invitation. If we love our doll body only for a few people here, it is mainly psychologically loved. Although the term doll fool has not been seen here, even if not half of them have sex with their real sex doll, even less regularly.


  • M’agrada veure que tenim el mateix gust real de nina sexual?

    I think what attracts me the most is actually having control and complete freedom of real sex dolls. Then, the robot woman has the advantage that she can walk (in the distant future), place herself in any desired position, etc. From a practical standpoint, this would be a good thing. Promise that I will take pictures of charming hips! I have been considering buying the same version as you for a while. His legs are beautiful and his face is beautiful. I am glad to see that we have the same taste of real sex doll.


  • Què passa si vull una model animada Real Sex Doll?

    A huge leap, that's for sure. But to be honest, real sex dolls are lazy. If I want an animated model, I can look for it in VR or software / games. Isn't it? I would be drunk and have a doll that reminds me of a real woman who talks / moves. (This is what I want to escape) I fully understand your point. I think doll inertia has special charm and beauty, I must say this is one of my oldest fantasies, but on the other hand, if I get a "real real sex doll woman", I do n’t want to be In case of rejection, the plug can be unplugged.


  • Molta gent pot trobar una nina sexual real?

    If you don't know what it is, take a look at the Internet and many people can find it. That's why not real sex dolls. They are so beautiful, there is hope for progress no matter what. What makes the world work is donkeys and money. I don't know yet which doll I will choose. Many choices, many desires! Most importantly, this is not a planned expenditure. Will have to save months. But that inspired me. Therefore, I work with you to familiarize me with this world of discovery. And find all kinds of interesting information. The biggest challenge for the video on this subject was to unpack the video of the real sex dolls ... I saw that I was unpacking my packaging.


  • Si voleu que les nines sexuals de debò s’aixequin?

    You have to choose a real sex doll that is going well before you pay attention to other things. You talked about discoloration. Yes, please pay attention to the product color and dark clothes, brand. It can be put on quickly. You can find many tips on the forums, such as wearing flesh-colored leggings to protect thigh boots. As said, choose the right size. If you prefer pretty sizes for practical reasons, or if you are looking for the model you need, the pretty doll is very pretty. Always look for sizes that are suitable for beauty. If you like to get a big doll because the model you need is bigger, be careful with the weight. The risk of dealing with it and therefore making it role-playing is much more difficult. If you want to make real sex dolls stand up, you can't keep it.


  • Codi promocional amb descomptes d’uns 300 euros per a nines sexuals reals?

    But at the moment, there are no specials, and the $ 900 port calms all enthusiasm, even if the promo code has a discount of around 300 euros for a real sex doll. Too afraid to send after-sales service with the port, the estimated waiting time is 27 weeks. It is still about 6000 euros of dolls, including ports and accessories. Let me have more, pretty, lighter photos, and most importantly, their photos are beautiful. But this is especially true of these new companies of good quality / price. I eventually fell over with a 23 kg WM Angel 140 cm doll. Size, height, weight, face, good reviews, everything seemed perfect to me for real sex dolls.


  • Si decideixes comprar una nina sexual real el més aviat possible?

    I know it's the same director for me. My real name is Laurent, Valentine's nickname is a report for Valentine's Day feed, a TV series from the Tigre Brigade (my worship series). If you decide to buy a real sex doll as soon as possible, I can only encourage you to place an order with (universal doll). His motto is "Maxi Brabla (relevant suggestions, very useful), zero hassle". Want to search for silicones. This is fair because we don't know if it was a silicone 5 years ago or older, or a previous generation silicone. There are too many real sex dolls in the old model and there is no new content, which is very confusing. So I turned to the bestseller. Okay, candidly say good things, and good reviews.


  • Necessiten molt de temps per tenir cura de les nines sexuals?

    I came to this for your sex doll suggestion. Thank you, I am listening to you. There are indeed some members who discovered the world after their unfortunate disappearance, and even more members are looking for companionship, peace of mind, or comfort, and when they found someone, all the DO felt upset or fearful "by turning over the home, these beautiful Little dolls are great for marking family images. Then they need a lot of time to take care of them and therefore avoid boredom. They also feel beautiful in bed. Under the warmth of our heat we can wake up with A real woman confused.


  • Vull obtenir informació sobre les nines sexuals aquí?

    There are some models that have a woman's appearance of about 25/30 years, and rustic, but Rebecca, Anna Livia's 170 cm WMDOLL. Otherwise, in general, they are all pretty people, and C is true. Hello everyone, I'm about 40 years old and I'm separated. I've been playing sex doll for a while. I am seriously considering products purchased in the coming months with models between 150 and 165 cm (between 1500 and 2000 Euros). I like the finish of 157 wmdoll, even though I find their body a bit missed. Basically, I watched, I groped, and I also waited a moment to see what would happen ... I hope to get some information here that will help me make a decision.


  • D'aquesta manera, la inserció es llisca fàcilment a la nina sexual?

    If you soak your new clothes in cold water for 24 hours and the water changes color, they will change color and require multiple washing or soaking to make sex dolls safe. After a few soaks, try adding some white vinegar to the water as it helps to set the dye. I will be ordering a new doll shortly and I am considering it as one of the available options. Obviously, it makes cleaning easier. But I'm worried it might loosen or be pushed inside during what I call a "vibrant activity." Any experience? Does not happen to any doll. The blades always fit snugly, and usually there is no extra space in the cavity to keep the blades in place. The best advice is to powder the outside of the insert before inserting it so that the insert will easily slide into the sex doll and then lubricate with a lot of water-based lubricant before inserting the artificial element.


  • Hi ha alguna manera d’eliminar les taques de nines sexuals?

    I post because I gather a lot of pirates. If you call them the phone number on the sex doll website, they will be happy to solve any problems you might encounter-dolls, costumes, etc. I've read some content on the forum about clothes getting dirty. Especially on TPE dolls. I want to wear her a few clothes, and I worry that they will leave stains. I washed them three times (especially black and dark items) to reduce the likelihood of this happening. Do they still get dirty? If so, is there any way to delete it? Or will it decrease by itself? It's expensive, but if you do get stains, it's worth paying. If you avoid buying cheap clothes through eBay, especially clothes made in China, there should be no problem with sex dolls. The safest dark clothes to buy are printed clothes because they use natural dyes that don't stain.


  • He vist aquí nines sexuals abans?

    I haven't dealt with their personality, but I think I've seen sex dolls here before, but I'm not sure yet. Never heard of this site, but the name sounds a little familiar. Might not be a good thing, as it can appear in topics about fraudulent websites. Unless others give positive reviews, it's best to wait for more information. Although I haven't dealt with them (or even heard of them before you posted), if I was buying another doll in the market, the credit card section would let me consider them. They certainly offer various TPE sex dolls, as well as several kinds of silicon. . I am now assured that I will order as soon as funds are available. Hope for about a month, maybe less. Although I plan to pay by credit card, I hope to pay it off as soon as possible to avoid paying interest.


  • Algú ha demanat una nina sexual a aquest lloc?

    Since then, I have seen a sex dolls on the Internet that I prefer softer molded vinyl boobs, so I think it might have done the job for us in a redesigned form, because they are both bigger and bigger and indeed they are now Meet in the middle. If they officially redesigned her, my next plan is to get one of them. Obviously, I need to contact the company and ask first because I really don't want to buy the same old version, and if I receive an existing inventory, I can do so. I may have to re-read her review subject because I believe there is another person who might know more about this? Has anyone ordered a sex doll from this site? What is your experience? The site looks ok and has the address and company number on it. So this does not seem to be a scam. How about the quality of the dolls they sell?


  • Sempre penso que es veuen una mica bonics a les nines sexuals

    For a XL person, I always feel that they appear slightly pretty on the sex dolls' trumpet, but in fact, they do not show any performance under the bikini or bra, I wonder if it is worth the effort or risk Risk of destroying a good doll-there is obviously no risk there, but I also don't want to destroy dolls over £ 100. Discuss ... Please post your thoughts. I looked at it and it was fun. Since then, I have seen my photos again, and now I'm not too keen to make any actuals for her. In fact, they seem to be glued, not HF welded, so if I do, this looks like a tedious job. I was attracted to this site because they are sex dolls sold in the UK and I do not want to get any questions through customs.


  • Hauria de mantenir les nines sexuals tal com són?

    So I'm thinking about making sex dolls self-sustaining in the name of science, or out of a desire for "bigger and better", I'm thinking about carefully removing their moulds and sticking a new pair of soft " "Inflatable" products molded vinyl fun travel bags (donated by cheap vinyl inflatable dolls-I'm thinking of dolls), pulling them closer can make the chest look more natural, but soft clothes under clothing It will look better, instead of steadfastly refusing to squeeze! Just wondering if anyone else owns this particular doll and has similar thoughts about this doll, or changed their minds? Or should I really keep the sex dolls as they are? I have never worked in this company, so I do n’t know if they are really myself. I have never heard of someone like me, and there are many others who are a luxurious teddy baby. My self hopes to be Help ask Keith.


  • Tinc prou cables per no canviar la forma dels peus de la nina sexual

    I drilled some filler and took it out easily, so my plan was to re-fix the wires. I think I have enough wires to not change the shape or position of the sex doll feet, and use "steel" to reconnect everything. As flexible as before, but at least it will be resolved. I will sort it out, get some today, and will post some photos of the program so others can learn or improve my ideas. I have three (high-end) vinyl dolls, one of which is a large doll. Although I was very satisfied with this doll, I began to doubt that she would have a boob job. The “blessed bless her” body is okay. Even though they are wide apart, because they are molded silicone plastic, they are a bit too stiff to meet my preferences, and will not really deform under clothes, etc. sex dolls a strange appearance.


  • Com es fixen els cables a les potes de les nines sexuals?

    I was posing. When I moved the sex dolls, I bent my feet backwards and suddenly became loose. Broken, I looked at what the joint was. I can feel the joints, it feels like a solid line / board, separated from the legs. Although it is easier to enter from the side, I don't want to leave a scar on her ankle, so I decided to start the operation from the sole of the foot, because most of the time it will be covered by socks, tight shoes, etc. I cut in, and soon exposed the metal frame wrapped in the tape. After cutting in, I found the steel legs and two wires (broken). They broke at an angle of 90 degrees to the steel legs, and they seemed unable to withstand much movement as the wires became fatigued and broken. I took a look at how the wire was fixed in the sex doll's legs. It seemed to be some kind of filler at the end of the opening leg. Imagine a pipe, then pushed the wire into the end of the opening and fixed it with the filler.


  • Les teves fotos recents de nines sexuals et distreuen una mica

    It took me about 5 minutes to find the skirt! !! Your recent sex dolls photos are a bit distracting, but I can't fully put my fingers on them. Lovely shot of lovely lady. Alright ... can we recover the skirt photos now? Thanks for the support from the dark, but it's cool, the matter has been resolved, and I also believe that they no longer solder this part, but now made a suitable bracket joint (as I made it) I thank everyone! For your care and trust. As a new supplier, customer satisfaction has always been my number one priority. I will take care of sex doll customer needs and after-sales service, just as important as my own concern. I bought this doll from a samurai just to figure out when I got her okay.


  • Voleu posar-lo al mercat sense provar adequadament la nina sexual?

    It is improving every day. In addition to the wrists, feet, and neck, now we have noticed some weak joints of sex dolls, and we are also committed to improving some weak joints. Just confirmed with our engineers that they showed me another skeleton part of the joint, which is a complete stainless steel part without welding points. This will soon be applied to production. I think some parts are too fragile and I want to create a real skeleton for that, but I don't have a welding system. I can't leave your pretty alone for 5 minutes. The first is that your girls are so lucky that you can repair them immediately, and the bloody genius is also very good. You put the sex doll on the market without proper testing. You really should provide some form of compensation to compensate for the defective product.


  • Feu servir algun tipus d’oli a la nina sexual TPE?

    Their quality is better than I thought, and I think it is worth recommending. I have never been able to successfully repair sex dolls, but I have found that a pretty good job is to use a cheap balloon head doll as an inner tube. It may take some time for it to line up correctly, but once you are done, you will be in a better position. My current setup is a mink head and a fool, a cheap inner tube doll, she is wearing a "balloon" made from the mid belly of another doll that previously had a molded cat and I have removed it And replaced with. She won't win any photography competition, but she is very capable. When I read on TDF, I said that it is essential to use some type of oil on TPE sex dolls (such as Vasaline, Nivea Cream and Baby Oil) to prevent cracking and splitting.


  • Em vaig adonar que eren nines sexuals barates?

    I'm very new to dolls. Actually I bought my first sex doll a few days ago and also went to this forum, so please forgive me (if anyone asked), try searching but for some reason it doesn't Works ... I bought Eva Angelina doll. I inflated it, being careful not to overuse it. ... checked her this morning and she was as flat as a pancake! Along the suture, there was a pretty crack about 3 inches under her arm. Shocked because I didn't get any repair tools I should have. Can someone suggest me what glue to buy? I'm pretty sure she's PVC ... also ... is this normal for cheap dolls? I paid £ 85.00 before I realized it was cheap sex dolls. A doll instructor said at the scene that once the TPE is made, it will gradually lose its softness due to the evaporation of the oil. The doll's initial "smell" was the hydrocarbon "oil" on its surface (for simplicity), but after a while, the deeper oil also migrated to the surface and evaporated.


  • Suficient per a una bona solució de nines sexuals?

    The best way to get the required / desired method is to start with xylene and pour into the required amount of container. A glass jar with a cap screw works well. About 30ml is enough for a good sex doll repair, and some are left. Add about 10 to 15 grams of chopped TPE, shake the jar and rotate it regularly, which takes about 6 hours. If you need to make it a little thicker, you can add more TPE or xylene to make it thinner. Be careful, there will be many at a time, and a little bit can work wonders! I will thicken, maybe even a little bit apart, don't worry, if it is too thick, you can add a little xylene, or simply stir thoroughly and use as usual. Will be fine! The result is likely to feel stiff and may crack / crack in fragile areas over time. Powdering is a good thing because it reduces friction and makes sex dolls' skin feel good. However, because the powder is dry, it also helps to remove grease from the surface!


  • Aquest aspecte es veu molt bé a les nines sexuals?

    I think I will go and see the original wig. I like straight hair, but this look looks great on sex dolls. How I almost did it, even though I did the lower back at once. They are looking for advice on TPE doll repairs. Where is the best place to buy TPE pellets in pretty quantities? Similarly, is xylene really legal? Does it work well on TPE dolls? Do I need to use some grade of xylene or is it just plain stuff? I've got mixed opinions on the maintenance and use of xylene, but if anyone has first-hand experience in this field, they can give a frank and honest opinion. There are some pretty cracks in my doll, and I want to know if I should try to use xylene by myself! Try xylene with tpe particles! Bit the bullet and buy legal "glue" I just don't want to make the sex doll worse, so any suggestions are most welcome!


  • Deixa una mica d'espai per a nines sexuals sota el capó

    Xiaoli's hair works well! The only problem with my steam method is that it requires a bit of sex doll space in the kitchen, especially under the range hood, and the steam needs to actually get in there and warm and wet the wig before the magic begins. Very inspirational release. I might try it with an old wig. Am I alone or do the last three photos look like I've touched her chest? I think I will try to do something annoying with my girl's hair in the near future. I found this cute sex doll steamer at Walmart for about $ 20, and now we just need to take the time to try to use it to tangle my original wig. Well done, great, no chemicals needed or excessive dry heat.


  • Aquestes són les nines sexuals que vull?

    Later that day, working with steam, gravity and some targeted fingers for another five minutes. This is the sex dolls I want. This is the same technique I used on my wig to pull out the spiral coil and give her that curly blond mane. Similarly, leave the fake in the steam and let gravity pull the hair straighter. You can brush anything that is too sharp, but still keep it warm until I am happy. Happy pretty lady may go after touching her chest. This is actually a very, very good trick. A few years ago, I did this on a wig I never liked, and then saw a steam sex doll wig tutorial on youtube, and the results were shocking. It used to be cheap ugly wigs, now when I really want Wigs want that "real" look.


  • Alguna cosa per dissenyar nines sexuals?

    So how did I get this mop flutter? I cut my hair into pretty pieces about 2 inches wide around the top of the sex dolls, and then simply wrapped each part around myself until I tied it into my head and hit the hairpin. Then repeat in the next section. I then used the hair under my head for a second treatment. Once everything is fixed, I put the kettle on. After the kettle boiled, I heated each coil in steam, which is the key, you have to heat it to a temperature sufficient to give the fibers a new shape, but the steam will never overheat the wig. (No, I didn't put Xiaoli on the shoulders of firefighters. I have a separate styling head for this kind of thing.) You can use any steam source as long as it can generate a lot of high-temperature steam. Next, let everything cool down, then move the clip, open all the coils, and brush. You can use rollers, round brushes, clips, pins, anything to style the sex doll's real hair, the difference is that once you put the wig on, steam them instead of using a chemical or a hair dryer style.


  • És possible tornar a fer sexe amb la perruca de les nines sexuals?

    Also, I used baby oil in the opening of Samantha because I read that these parts would break for many uses. I can't wait to have sex dolls automatically clean the vagina and anal cavity; the creator will be the winner. I always wanted to try it for a while, and finally let my ass adjust. So from here (the little lady is wearing her usual brown straight hair lock), it only took 15 hair clips, a kettle and about a day. Now, this can't show off Xiaoli with a new hairstyle or a success. I personally hate what I create. This is not to show that you can reshape the old lady's wig into something new with just a little effort and energy. This is the beauty of it. You can simply re-sex the sex doll wig and recombine it again. To eliminate this failure.


  • Podeu tornar a emmagatzemar nines sexuals japoneses i productes de massa

    This seems to be the cheapest method because you can store Japanese sex dolls and mass produce them again. I always mix things and do it with proper ppe in a well-ventilated room, or I always stand outside and mix on the wall, and I also have a pretty jar full of jam. I have never done an accurate measurement. But you are very correct in proportions, I stuck it with a pretty brush. I have managed to put it in a syringe, but I slightly dilute the paste a bit and then give it another 24 hours to make it thicker inside the syringe. The jar method is the best. The batch of products I use are linings that support merkin (and therefore hair dye). Japanese sex dolls adhere well without using any glue. Add baby oil to the paste. Just a little ... voila! Instant thickener I also use vaseline in a xylene mixture.


  • Va explicar com va durar la nina sexual durant quatre anys

    Semi-circular strings of bass guitar! (Unsure of the wording) directly explains how they lasted four years. I drilled my wrist ... beginning with the light drill of the sex doll model ... may also want to try to clear snow with a tea spoon! It quickly concluded that the work required more rigorous equipment and replaced the model drill with a black and deck hammer drill, which eventually brought the wires off. Clean the area, then refill the wrist with gorilla gel epoxy, then push the finger line back in place and hold it for ten minutes (only five minutes). Then let it sit for two hours, then move it into the storage space for 24 hours, and then seal the pretty incision on the wrist with super glue. Now it's the best part of the week and everything is fine, so after a few more days, the work will be done with a hot air gun (low heat). All in all, I am very happy with the results, but I know that having enough wires to reconnect is a one-time thing, and when this happens again (which will undoubtedly happen), it will be a complete sex dolls finger Line replacement.


  • Tant els dits com els dits de les nines sexuals són prou llargs

    I have read everything I can read, watched every youtube video, had a detailed discussion with my good friend nina del sexe, listened to the suggestions of others here, and TDF (thank you all), bought me in surgery Everything you might need during the period. ... but still have to put a razor blade on Yvettes' wrist, this is the viscera of the tongue. The knife was my first failure. Because it's sharp, it doesn't want to go through the TPE, so once I have a gap in my skin, use a pair of scissors to expand it slightly so that I can pull it back. (Because TPE is so elastic, no big holes are needed.) All five wires are cleanly cut off at the wrist where they enter the epoxy. The finger lines of the respective fingers and the thumbs of the sex dolls are still long enough to reconnect without extending the fingers. The biggest surprise I had was the quality of the wires and what they actually mean.


  • Pot dormir tota la nit nina sexual

    Just hope it can help save the hands of other poor girls. These photos don't quite show the rigidity of the structure once the tube is properly tied, but the sex doll can now sleep all night (for several consecutive nights) without having to worry about the hands becoming soft or worsening. Bandages worked for a while ... but because the delay did not stop completely, work could not be postponed forever. Last Wednesday a surgery was performed on Iwitt / Hebei. There are no photos because it was a very painful moment for both of us, the patient didn't know what was happening, and I didn't really know what I was doing. Therefore, taking pictures of sex dolls is not my first consideration.


  • Forma ideal per arreglar permanentment la nina sexual

    Keep in mind that the arm itself is protected by a splint, so tight bandages now put pressure on the splint, not the wrist. Now see who can hold the sex doll firmly in place. ... Before someone commented, I knew that River needed makeup, but she was both confusing and "being kissed" ... a lot ... she would take a photo before any photo session involving her posing. However, this is unique to hand bandages and how to protect the girl's surroundings before implementing more permanent solutions. Hope it will be helpful to anyone you visited my album and happy with everything you are disappointed with suffering from an album called Hand Job. Exquisitely explained, now is a great photo, this is the ideal way to keep the joints in place and prevent any further damage until you get a more permanent repair to the sex doll.


  • Porta tot a la mà nina sexual TPE

    This may be a third, so post a few photos. Prior application of picture quality. There is no splint now, which is an unfortunate state of the hand, only the TPE sex doll can hold the hand: grab the tube bandage, being careful not to put any pressure on the opponent and insert it into the arm. Roll the bandage over the weight of the lower arm, double it so that it bends completely backwards, and lift the cuffs, I know, looks messy, but bears me. Insert four six-inch rulers into the crease. How to flip it over at the bottom to secure the splint in place with the proper sex dolls. Use a normal bandage to securely wrap it around the length of the tubular splint bandage to secure everything in place: you now have a bit of bandage at the end of the bandage.


  • Necessites ser tractats com a nines sexuals japoneses?

    Japanese sex doll- Absolutely beautiful skin. Soft, smooth but firm. If it weren't for the lack of maintenance of her hands, I would praise it on the roof. SM. WM140-The old WM TPE is the same as Yvette. Firm hand (I really like this mix). WM166-The new WM TPE is very soft and lifelike (as you know), and as you get older, everyone needs to be treated like Japanese sex dolls, which will interest people. The reality may be that WM140 is available, but I may have to use SM and the new formula WM TPE to adjust my method. Just like you indicated ... listen to them and they will find a way to tell you if something goes wrong.


  • Quan es va equivocar la pell de la nina sexual japonesa?

    We only know when the skin of the Japanese sex doll went wrong. Never oiled, her skin is flawless. It was second hand, and it was oiled before I got her. When I said I didn't oil them, I forgot her (she is the one who spends a lot of time in her box now), because when her skin became dry and rough, when would she oil it? .. Shortly after Christmas, Japanese sex dolls must be checked as soon as possible. Just an idea, but do you think that oil penetration into the skin is the reason why you need to continue oiling? ... Maybe not, maybe it's just the reason for the mix. The three new Japanese sex doll girls are too pretty to see any changes in their skin. However, all of them are very different in touch.


  • No hi haurà tinta que penetri a la nina sexual japonesa TPE?

    I also use a shower curtain and place the printed side on the bed so that no ink penetrates into the TPE Japanese sex doll. Someone suggested that I use talc for TPE, because corn starch is made from the kernel of corn seeds, it may, but is unlikely to cause mold, and if there are moist spots on the TPE, it may be more. Different people's strokes are different, so I follow the reasoning mentioned earlier. I used to occasionally use baby oil on Japanese sex dolls just to supplement TPE, but I didn't do it regularly. With a shower curtain on your bed, you don't actually need a dedicated massage bed, especially if space is limited, but I don't see if you would like to do it. I think a word hit the captain's head.


  • Oli per a nadons que faig servir en algunes nines sexuals japoneses?

    It ’s a bit complicated now. I have to bathe a Japanese sex doll about every week, but some dolls have n’t finished bathing since they arrived, because I think they will have three at most and only two at most. And some of them haven't arrived yet. I may slip talcum powder every month, my girls are standing most of the time now, so I bring Japanese sex dolls into the bathroom or kitchen (tile floor), cover them with talc from head to toe, with very soft Brush to remove excess talcum powder before sweeping it up, I usually make several dolls at a time. Baby oil I use it on some Japanese sex dolls, and never use it again, my WM157b is always dry, so she can put a lot of oil, I really do n’t mind the big girl is good, and you can tell them Whether and when oiling is needed.


  • La vaselina i l'oli destruiran les nines sexuals japoneses de tpe?

    I know a lot about Vaseline maintenance and oil baths in some areas (when she starts to feel dry), although some people say that Vaseline and oil will destroy tpe Japanese sex dolls, while others say it helps to keep tpe soft. The way to wash dolls is to put a shower curtain on the bed, put them on a towel, and then wash them off with a microfiber cloth, which is much more difficult than dragging a 42 kg Japanese sex doll into the bathtub. This is what my first doll did. I did n’t use the shower curtain method until my silicone doll. When the doll was still in bed, I also had to play with powder. I had a torso on my arm, which greatly reduced the maintenance work. My girl always takes a bath / shower every time she arrives and then dust it-I use talc as TPE and corn flour on Japanese sex doll.


  • Netejar la nina sexual japonesa amb un drap de microfibra blanc pur?

    Cleaning cosmetics: Extra pretty olive oil is wiped with pure white microfiber cloth and removed. Clean TPE Japanese sex doll: Slightly moist (nothing comes out when wrung out) White microfiber cloth Every two or three days: Use a large soft brush to apply corn flour to the entire body. This was done on the bed but on his own blanket. When covered with corn flour, I wrapped the blanket for an hour. When I took them out of the blanket, I brushed them off with a soft dry brush before massaging. I always have to be extra careful to make sure my thighs and armpits get more flour than they should. I never use grease or bathe them because TPE Japanese sex dolls are both greasy and greedy because it drinks water and holds more oil than it should.


  • Vaig donar un toc ràpid a les nines sexuals japoneses?

    Hello everyone, I have been here for a while. I would like to spend two cents to introduce the maintenance of TPE Japanese sex doll and ask you about the maintenance schedule and procedures. Therefore, now I bathe the dolls every two weeks. After bathing, I gently dry them with a towel or let them air dry. I also use some soft cotton plugs to ensure that all the remaining shower liquid is also removed. (pretty things, so they don't pierce and tear.) The week I didn't bathe them, I did give Japanese sex dolls a quick touch-up, wiping on the parts not covered by clothes to remove any potential Dust or cloth fibers. Reapply some makeup and apply some personally tested and approved perfumes.


  • Com teniu cura de la nina sexual japonesa?

    Every 4 weeks, just after taking a shower, they will gently dry with a towel, and then reapply some oil on the entire body with cream, and apply pure vaseline to the genital area, of course, I only dry it completely Apply oil to Japanese sex doll. Remove tampons. Once the oiling was done and everything was soaked, I used some corn starch and high-powered brushes to remove the stickiness and then dress her appropriately (depending on the weather and temperature), this description describes how I usually spend my free time very limited. This brings me to the question I want to ask. I use my bed as a place to replenish fats and starches, but this is not ideal because all bedspreads are stained with oil and stains ... I have been thinking about possible solutions and are considering buying a massage bed, which makes Maintenance work becomes easier. Does any of you use a massage table to do the above? If so, do you recommend any brand of massage table? How do you take care of Japanese sex doll? I'm curious .


  • Definitivament, hi haurà parts extraïbles per a la propera nina sexual japonesa?

    I would say that although I don't recommend using this toy for pretty Japanese sex dolls, only adult-sized dolls can be used. I only use a female condom and I don't need to clean the inside of the doll at all. Ordered Amy and the "fixed" private, because she was a heavy girl and soon became bored with cleaning. Now it only costs a man's massager between the legs and costs only 10. Easy to clean without even having to take off your clothes. Although sometimes it's fun. The next Japanese sex doll is bound to have removable parts. I only rinsed with one of the vaginal / anal irrigation tools and plugged her with a pretty tampon so as not to leave any liquid behind.


  • Algú pot reparar les articulacions de les nines sexuals japoneses?

    One thing I want to add is that the nails are very short, as this minimizes the risk of damaging the Nina sexual japonesa when operating the TPE. Like a real girl, she will thank you. TPE can be subject to wear and tear if not treated with baby oil and petroleum jelly. But too much time will degrade it. Must be fully lubricated. The harem is right. You need to be lubricated enough, but don't overdue petrolatum or baby oil. I read somewhere that someone can mend the joints of Japanese sex dolls? Unfortunately, because I left her mistake, Gabis, his wrists and right foot became super soft, I was thinking about what I could do. She needs a flat heel, and now both wrists are very weak, so the ankle stiffness needs to be restored. Fortunately, there is no prominent metal.


  • Això reduirà la feina de neteja de la nina sexual japonesa en el futur?

    Her vagina is fixed, but I use a female condom, which not only reduces the cleaning work of the Japanese sex doll in the future, but also makes it more pleasing to use - I found that the male condom is too easy to break for some reason. I regularly apply powder to her (baby talcum powder) with a large paint (for example, talc will not only fall on the Japanese sex doll, but the ceiling is still useless so far), I also apply Vaseline around the V from time to time, in the vagina But don't be too frequent. I was led to believe that it is also a good idea to put some petrolatum under the chest and in the armpit area. The Japanese sex doll's back fracture means she can't stand alone, but can only lie on the bed, but the resulting increased flexibility in the waist area makes bedtime more interesting.


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