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Com mantenir o mantenir les nines sexuals?

I believe many people will ignore this information and want to take a bath with her, but you know, sex dolls are still different from real people. The temperature of the water varies depending on the material. If you know the necessary knowledge, next time you will know how to control the water temperature and the doll will take a bath happily.

B Cup Breast TPE Sex Doll Simona

Since most dolls are made of silicone and TPE, you must consider these different factors. Just like a silicone doll, you can take a bath together regardless of the water temperature. This is because silicone resin has heat resistance and can withstand high temperatures. Boil and sterilize. Now, when you know that maintenance is the key to long-term preservation of your doll, you should follow some effective techniques:

Clean sex dolls seized at border regularly and clean the orifice plate properly

Make sure to wipe your face with a dry cloth, and then wash the ninot de sexe de silicona’s wig with a neutral shampoo.
Do not use silicone lubricants on sex dolls, please use water-based lubricants.

Use lubricating oil

We recommend using a water-based lubricant for sexual intercourse with your doll. But some people prefer not to have it. Decide for yourself. You can also use petroleum jelly or baby oil instead of lubricating oil. If you want to use a conventional lubricant, make sure it is water-based, not silicon-based, because it may damage the TPE material.

Each doll is equipped with a vaginal douche. After use, flush the holes with the water pump provided by us. Then insert a cloth in the hole to absorb the remaining moisture.

Remove any obvious stains on the doll

Although it may seem troublesome to maintain some seemingly tedious TPE dolls, in fact, it is not a big deal. Although it is not recommended to use any conventional detergent to clean sex dolls seized at border, you can still use special TPE detergent to clean their dolls effectively. Similarly, acne cream or conditioner can also be used to maintain nearly 10% benzoyl peroxide to remove any obvious stains on the bonica nina sexual. These agents took nearly 24 hours to function and effectively removed any nasty stains and marks from the TPE sex doll.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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