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Com distingir entre les nines sexuals de baix cost al mercat

The serious companies above do make mistakes from time to time. Sometimes their dolls don’t have the quality they deserve: bad skin tone, bad skin quality, the metal frame of the body is too stiff, too loose, the shape, size or stiffness of the breast is too stiff. The head may not be realistic enough. You can easily imagine what might happen when you need to build a bonica nina sexual des de zero.
Pay attention to the different materials that contain dyes and inks because they will transfer the color to the skin of the doll. Avoid the following items: newspapers, dark or leather materials and surfaces (leather sofas, leather wheelchairs) or other materials containing oil-soluble pigments.
Before putting new clothes on the doll, it is very important to always wash it in advance to avoid staining the silicone. Black tights are particularly prone to soiling and should be left on girls very carefully.
When putting her on new clothes for the first time, please check regularly for stains. If your clothes are soiled, please take off your clothes and wash them in a washing machine at a higher temperature to remove the dye.
Silicone has the natural ability to absorb dyes and fade them. If your doll gets dirty, take some time to let the dye fade and the discoloration will disappear on its own within a few weeks.
When designing this cute doll, your personal preferences will determine the skin color and other functions. If you want to make your parents uncomfortable, then be a gangster. If your parents don't want to see you meet a girl of a certain color, there is no offense here. Use these functions when ordering a silicone partner.

bonica nina sexual

After visiting her, you can find beautiful underwear costumes for your love doll. You can wear booty shorts and high heels to make her more sexy. In addition, if you want to introduce her to your parents, you can design it at will. A strange and surprising dinner is waiting for your folks, you need to make her as lively as possible. All you need to do is prove to your parents that the nina sexual tpe És real.

This is an unpredictable event and the odds can be chosen at will. Imagine your parents realize that their boy is in love with a nina sexual masculina. We have some steps to study, so we won't introduce them further.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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