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Què he de fer quan rebo la meva nina sexual?

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Ben gris
06, 2019 15: 47

First of all, congratulations, you are anxiously waiting for the beautiful nina del sexe to arrive safely in your home. You now need to learn how to move her without seeing her. She is not that fragile, but you need to get some tips to make her look perfect. Be careful when you open the packaged doll. Be careful when removing it from the box. She may be a bit heavy. It is very difficult to bend and lift my body. If you don't need a box, you can cut the box and gently remove it from the box and place it on a chair or bed. If you need a box, put her in a sitting position, then grab and lift it. Like a real girl, your sex doll has her charm limit. Do not turn her limbs beyond the specified range of angles. When your lover finally arrives, we know how you feel! When she was brand new, her limbs were a bit stiff. After moving for a while, she will recover.

Anunci real de nines sexuals


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