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Les nines sexuals poden ser difícils de distingir dels humans reals

"People may think I'm weird, but it's no different than collecting sports cars. I don't know how much I spent, but it's cheaper than Lamborghini." Earlier this month, it was reported that these pretty 100 cm nina del sexe would soon be It may be difficult to distinguish from real humans.

Ozaki added: They are very selfish. Men want someone to listen to others when they come home from work, and don't complain. No matter what I have, Mayu is always there waiting for me. I love her a little and want to be with her forever. Recently, psychologists at a major drug addicts clinic in London warned people that dirty robots might fascinate them.

The documentary reveals the trend of addiction, and the documentary focuses on how life-size GYNOID dolls lead to loneliness and alienation. "Ultimately, Emma will be able to move her arms and have a 'breathing' chest. In addition, she will be able to walk on her own legs."

The managing director of the doll maker said, "Technology has come a long way since the nasty inflatable dolls of the 1970s. He explained:" Now they look incredible and feel like you are touching human skin . . More and more men are buying them because they think they can really communicate with GYNOID dolls. "

When the sex doll spoke, her mouth was still shaking, her voice was slightly metallic, and the echo was quite deep, but the robot sex doll (priced at about $ 10,000) is considered to be the most scientific human robot in the world. The company offers a variety of different heads and bodies, as well as the ability to choose eye colors.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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