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L'entitat no requereix una nina sexual inflable a l'interior

Today, let's talk about inflatable dolls. Speaking of inflatable dolls, I believe many men will not be unfamiliar. Do you know the common sense of using inflatable dolls?
Inflatable dolls can be divided into the following 3 types
1. Ordinary inflatable dolls. Ordinary inflatable dolls are formed by inflating. After inflating, the volume is close to the size of an adult. The body is relatively soft and elastic, but the skin is hard plastic leather, and the appearance is relatively lacking in human beauty and the appearance is relatively rough. Can only roughly simulate the structure of a person.

2. nina del sexe is not the same as inflatable doll. The whole body of the sex doll is made of TPE material and silicone rubber. The whole body of the sex doll is very similar to the skin of a real human body. As big as or close to life size.

3. The interior of the sex doll does not need to be inflated. The whole body muscles and skin are made of soft materials such as silicone rubber. The doll has mechanical bones installed inside it, which allows her to make a lot of human body postures. The degree of similarity to real people is very high, and some are even more perfect than real people.

Inflatable dolls are generally made with girls as reference shapes. Nina sexual TPE is designed with vagina, anus and open mouth, so that men can put sticks into the holes, pull them in and create pleasure and orgasm.

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