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Les nines sexuals omplen el buit a les nostres vides

Driven by the rise of erotic photography, industry movies and documentaries, and pop culture neutral robots, the sex doll revolution will be a crazy journey. Disability can be physical or psychological. But because it is relatively large, it is not suitable for carrying around.

It is common to get creases and wrinkles on the skin of a sex doll. Don't panic if it happens, let the doll rest in a straight line on the floor. Wrinkles will disappear in a short time. If there are wrinkles, do not fold it to avoid any damage. Allow the skin to return to its original shape before storage.

The right use of a real sex doll will surprise you more sexually than you ever thought possible. It looks and feels like a person, and can sometimes have features like underwear, vibration, and even voice samples. Years ago, sex dolls were associated with people who often lacked the skills to form a relationship with another person. The life of a sex doll is the result of today's advanced technology, the ultimate source of pleasure and pleasure without hurting one's feelings.

We recommend that you buy white, pink or light-colored clothes for your sex dolls. You should wash off all black and bright colored clothes first, then put them on your sex dolls when you really want When wearing a dark dress.

Do not directly pour water from the head of the nina del sexe when cleaning the doll, and don't forget to disassemble the head because it does not clean the neck properly. Try cleaning the vagina with a synthetic liquid. Wash your vagina carefully and wash immediately after sexual intercourse. Do not hesitate to use an antibacterial cloth because it is known that mold and bacteria can grow in the dark, humid environment created by the manhole.

Chemicals, alcohol or any other general user detergent are not permitted. The inner area of the vagina, mouth and anus should be cleaned and dried immediately after use to avoid bacterial growth. After cleaning, dry the doll with a soft absorbent towel and wipe some baby powder to keep it clean.

The steps to clean the doll. Remove the nozzle from the bulb and squeeze the bulb under warm water. Release it in the water for a while until the bulb is full. Gently insert the nozzle into the vagina or oval part of the doll. Squeeze the bulb with high pressure until high power water flows into the cavity or elliptical hole.

Take a sponge or use a loofah to fix it on a brush or stick. Rinse the loofah or sponge with warm water detergent for a while. Gently scrub the inner area one or more times with warm water and soapy water. For best results, elbow grease can help remove residual residue. Dry with a dry sponge or a cloth.

So you can expect your doll to weigh between 70-100 pounds. Do not apply any weight to the package or doll. Pack the accessories in different boxes when transporting. Sex dolls are the perfect example of how we fill the void of life.

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