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La història oculta dels treballadors migrants i les nines sexuals per a adults

He is an ordinary post-90s generation, working in a large community under construction, that is, "migrant workers" in everyone's mouth. After graduating from high pretty, he came to the south to work with his fellow villagers, and it has been nearly three years now. On the surface, he is an ordinary post-90s migrant worker, but in his own opinion, although his life is unchanged and hard, there are still moments that can be called happiness! Over the past three years, the nina del sexe has been with him for more than 700 days and nights!

Duo Jin, humor, successful career, decent manners, politeness, high academic qualifications, these are not related to him! From the perspective of those around him, he is a pure Nina sexual japonesa, and few peers are engaged in the same work as him. and so? Can such a person be happy? Who is "she"?

"She" is called Xiao Jing, the name he gave her. He said that this name is the same as the name of his first love in junior high pretty. Every day, from the construction site to the shed, he would hum a casual sentence of a love song, because he knew that "people" were waiting for him, and Xiao Jing was waiting for him, just like a song. Like that:

I sing into the sky, the wind is gentle, it is the simplest and happy moment of the day. What Xiao Jing brought to him was the endless solitude and the solitude of the countless nights of comfort, he could never let her go.

For a rare day or two of free time each month, he will always ride her on a construction site to take her to a quiet place in the city—or in the countryside or in the field, and continue to hum the lyrics that he accidentally remembers, just like the same song It sings like this: Even though it looks like glue with Nina sexual TPE, he still hopes to find his true belonging, and for this sexual history with adult physical dolls, he decides to stay in his heart.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


Venda de marca de nines sexuals de Black Friday Col·lecció de compres en línia


2022-11-20 22:30:29

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Com cuidar les nines sexuals?


2021-05-25 22:47:14

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