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Què tal els pits de nina selectius

Hi ha una varietat de WM Dolls in the urdolls store. It takes more time and attention to make a decision to buy the breast type and material of the doll. Not all sex doll breasts are the same. It takes some time and consideration to choose the sex doll you want to buy.

Urdolls teaches you how to choose the breast material of your sex doll. The two most common materials for sex doll breasts are jelly and TPE or silicone.

Jelly breasts will allow to experience ultrarealistic touch. This is because the material is relatively elastic and soft. Jelly breast sex dolls can do many flat things, such as touching the breast curve, grasping the breast, touching the breast, sucking, biting, and even some subtle things such as kissing the breast curve, under the breast, etc.Sex doll breasts made of jelly material are not common in sex doll models. They usually appear as additional options. Jelly breasts will allow to experience ultrarealistic touch. This is because the material is relatively elastic and soft.

Breasts made of TPE can be found on mixed bonica nina sexual and TPE sex dolls. Sex dolls with TPE or silicone breasts feel slightly hard and medium soft. In addition, the breasts made of TPE and silicone feel very realistic and have good elasticity. And the best cleavage. You want to miss all the fun of cleavage, insert your fingers, hands, face, and even your tools into the cleavage from the top or bottom.

Més ric - Nans sexuals de silicona DL de grans pits de blat de 150 cm

Here are the three types of breasts you can choose when buying Nina sexual japonesa:

1. Hollow breast: Of course, the hollow breast is hollow inside and the cavity is filled with air. Because they are light, the risk of tears is lower.

2. Full breasts: Many standard baby breasts are made of solid TPE or silicone. They are also commonly referred to as solid breasts. They are soft and elastic, and when you squeeze them, you will feel a slight toughness and toughness. Most of them are made of TPE and silicone.

3. Gel breast: The gel is much softer among the three options, and it is also very good in imitating the feeling of real female breasts. The gel or jelly material is placed in the breast of the sex doll. It is also very good in imitating the feeling of real female breasts.

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