Imatges de nines sexuals de llavis vermells de Wanda Hoover

Red Lips Sex Doll Pictures

She grew up as a Southern beauty, but there are wild traces in a mile nationwide! This nina del sexe knows how to open amulets or dirty things. She is the ideal companion for those who are eager to have a local girl with a little advantage. Her fantasies are to try every position in the Karma, so you'd better start stretching to keep up with her libido! You are traveling crazy sex dolls.
Wanda is a 25-year-old freelancer who enjoys skiing, carnival and racing. She is both cute and intelligent, but she can be very embarrassed and a bit greedy. She is an American and defines herself as bisexual. She began studying philosophy, Politics, and economics at the university, but never completed the course.
She is playful, but no boyfriend can play. Can she be your girlfriend? When her little bikini top is untied, can you say no to her perfect body? She is a quality doll made of TPE material with a soft and realistic touch skin. This sexual girl doll has realistic, clear bones that can move and pose like a real girl! She is very good at pleasing her boyfriend with a sexy little mouth. You will swear that her bragging is better than any ex-girlfriend!
She is a bit overweight in her body, and everything stems from her large breasts. It makes many people want to experience the feeling of having sex with her. Her other aspects are in good condition. She is tall, and the skin made of TPE Is very elastic. She has red lips and wavy curls. Her eyes are wild blue.
She is ambitious, tenacious and greedy. This is not surprising given the people who have had her shocking past. She was born and raised in an ordinary family in a developed capital. She has been living happily until she was about 13 years old, but At that time, life turned to the worst.

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